Neil Andi Anderson: Church Name Issue

From a comment section where Neil Andi Anderson (an INC troll) make an assumption that their ideology can't be debunked. Let's find out -

This was actually debunked in a video were I challenge him some of the questions about his understanding of their own doctrine. (Watch the full video at

While he never attempt to answer my challenge and perhaps the video has a poor resolutions, we'll just try to inserts some of it here in this article that might work.

So, the concern as always was the Name of the church if it is the Church that Christ Purchased by his own blood. Basically it's a fallacy of Contextomy were he try to use or select a word that he thinks it makes sense on their doctrinal terminology while the context was never about it.

Let's try to see the original text in biblical and see what we could find to address the issue.

Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. - Acts 20:28 KJV

If you're to extract every word in this verse alone it would be confusing and could lead you to question how possible was that thinking that Christ was the only human being (which is not God as their doctrine goes) that made the atonement, which means it is by the blood of a mere human not a God. While we couldn't get the origin translation ἐκκλησία τοῦ Θεοῦ the INC will now goes on to submit their ideology to other known scholars to discredit the most used translation and mark it as mistranslated.

Here they use the version of  James Moffatt of The Acts 20:28. Below is the Text

Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock of which the holy Spirit has appointed you guardians; shepherd the church of the Lord which he has purchased with his own blood.

Now since it's remarkable to see the text shifted, it is clear to say that it wasn't a God who purchased his own blood rather it was Christ since Christ was addressed as Lord in Capital in the New Testament and Lord is ≠ to God as per INC Unitarian view.

But it didn't stop there as another scholars who made a good attempt in which they The INC could stand a good ground of their Unitarian view. Here's the Version of George Lamsa below -

Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock, over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, to feed the church of Christ which he has purchased with his blood.

So, here's a change that it was all about the Church of Christ (church name) were right in their theology because of some evidence that they think would lead them to the truth. Okay, but what about a credit to this biblical scholars? Were they Unitarian as INC were?

I summarize some Some of the background that I collected to shorten the article.

James Moffatt was a Scottish theologian, biblical scholar, and translator. He was born on July 4, 1870, in Glasgow, Scotland, and died on June 27, 1944, in New York City. Moffatt was a graduate of the University of Glasgow and was ordained in the Church of Scotland. He served as a minister in the United Free Church and later became a professor of Greek and New Testament exegesis at Mansfield College, Oxford. Moffatt is best known for his translation of the Bible, called the Moffatt Bible, which was first published in 1913. He also translated the Old Testament and wrote a New Testament commentary based on his translation. Moffatt's work in biblical translation and scholarship has been influential and widely used. There is no information available to suggest that James Moffatt was a Unitarian.

And for George Lamsa's short Summary -

George Lamsa was a biblical scholar and translator known for his translation of the Bible from Aramaic to English. He was born in 1892 in an area with customs and language similar to those in biblical times. Lamsa claimed that his upbringing in this region gave him a unique understanding of the Bible. He believed that the original texts of the New Testament were written in Aramaic, not Greek, and that his translation provided a more accurate representation of the original meaning. Lamsa's work has been both praised and criticized, with some appreciating his insights into Aramaic idioms and culture, while others question the accuracy of his translations and interpretations. There is no evidence to suggest that George Lamsa was a Unitarian.

This might be outdated or maybe some informations aren't recorded, and it's the best I could do for now. So why are you honouring their work if they themselves didn't even agree on your Doctrine?

On the other hand, why would we just make a good comparison of Christ Church during those days versus our time so we could make a good study to know which church is True. Let's start with how did Christ organize his Church?

The organization of Christ's Church in ancient times is actually quite beautiful in its simplicity and completeness. Jesus Christ established His Church based on principles of authority, organization, and the revelation of gospel truths. Here's a quick look at some key points:

  • Apostles and Prophets: At the center of the organization of Christ’s Church were the apostles, with Peter, James, and John being part of the original Twelve Apostles. These apostles were chosen and ordained by Jesus Himself (see Matthew 10:1-4; Mark 3:14-19). Prophets, like ancient prophets before them, were spokespersons for God, receiving revelation to guide the Church.
  • Priesthood Authority: Jesus bestowed priesthood authority upon His apostles. This authority is the power to act in God’s name for the salvation of His children. It included the authority to baptize, confer the Holy Ghost, and perform other ordinances essential for salvation (see John 15:16; Matthew 16:19).
  • Teaching the Gospel: The primary mission given to the apostles and early disciples was to teach the gospel and baptize all who would listen and believe, thus spreading the message of repentance and salvation through Jesus Christ (see Matthew 28:19-20).
  • Ordinances and Sacraments: Christ established ordinances such as baptism by immersion for the remission of sins and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost (see Acts 2:38). He also instituted the sacrament as a way for His followers to remember His sacrifice and renew their commitments to follow Him (see Luke 22:19-20).
  • Guidance by Revelation: The early Church was guided by continuous revelation from Jesus Christ to His apostles and prophets. This includes revelations that led to the expansion of the Church's mission to the Gentiles (see Acts 10).
  • The Law of Love and Service: Christ’s teachings focused heavily on love, service, and sacrifice. He taught His followers to love one another, serve each other, and build communities that reflected His love and teachings (see John 13:34-35).

In the restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, members believe that the original Church Christ organized was restored in the latter days through the prophet Joseph Smith, including the same organization with apostles and prophets, priesthood authority, and the principles of the gospel as taught by Jesus Christ.

I would add some important information in biblical sense why we need this key feature in calling it as the Church of Christ. 

First, Why Prophets and Apostles?

Prophets and apostles play a pivotal role in the Church of Jesus Christ, both in ancient times and in the restored Church today. Here's why they are so important:


  1. Direct Communication with God: Prophets are chosen by God to be His representatives on earth. They receive direct revelation from God to guide His children. This principle is central to understanding God's dealings with His people. Through prophets, God provides direction, warning, and comfort.
  2. Dispensers of God's Covenants: Prophets also administer the covenants God makes with His children, ensuring the gospel's truths are taught and the ordinances essential for salvation, like baptism and receiving the Holy Ghost, are performed correctly.
  3. Witnesses of Christ: Throughout history, prophets have testified of Jesus Christ, His divinity, His atoning sacrifice, and His role as the Savior and Redeemer of the world. Their testimonies are recorded in holy scriptures, providing a foundation of faith for all people.


  1. Special Witnesses of Jesus Christ: Apostles are called to be special witnesses of Jesus Christ in all the world. Their primary mission is to testify of Christ's resurrection from the dead and His divine teachings. They bear powerful testimonies of Christ's reality as the living Son of God.
  2. Governing the Church: Apostles hold keys of priesthood authority, which include the right to govern the Church, direct its affairs worldwide, and oversee the administration of ordinances and the spreading of the gospel.
  3. Foundation of the Church: As Ephesians 2:20 mentions, the Church is "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone." This shows their essential role in establishing and maintaining the Church's foundation, doctrines, and practices in purity and unity.

In a nutshell, prophets and apostles are essential for the ongoing restoration and operation of Christ's Church, ensuring that God's children have access to His teachings, ordinances, and guidance. They help us navigate our lives according to God's will and work towards our salvation and eternal life with Him.

Second, Why do we need Priesthood Authority?

Priesthood authority is pretty central to the teachings and practices of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It's seen as the power and authority of God given to man to act in all things necessary for the salvation of God’s children. Here are a few key reasons why priesthood authority is considered necessary:
  • Performing Ordinances: Essential ordinances like baptism, confirmation, the sacrament, and temple ordinances all require priesthood authority to be performed properly and be valid in the sight of God. It's about following the pattern set by Jesus Christ when He was on the earth.
  • Leading the Church: Priesthood authority gives the necessary authority to lead the Church and guide its members according to the teachings of Christ and the revelations given to prophets.
  • Receiving Revelation: Those who hold priesthood keys have the authority to receive revelation for those within their stewardship. This includes personal guidance as well as direction for the Church as a whole.
  • Serving Others: The priesthood is all about service. It's used to bless the sick, comfort those in need, and perform other acts of service that reflect the love of Christ.
  • Binding in Heaven what is Bound on Earth: Through priesthood authority, certain actions and ordinances performed on earth are recognized and sealed in heaven, such as sealings in the temple that unite families for eternity.
  • Continuing Christ’s Work: Priesthood authority is seen as a continuation of the work started by Jesus Christ and His Apostles, helping to bring God's children back to Him by teaching the gospel, performing sacred ordinances, and offering service.
Gordon B. Hinckley once taught about the importance of following the counsel of the priesthood and assured that God will make a way even where there appears to be no way. This faith and obedience in the priesthood can provide guidance and assurance in our lives.

It's about following the Lord's pattern and ensuring that His work is carried out on Earth as it is in Heaven, under the direction and authority He has provided.

And Third key Element which might be the last one for this article since it took it too lengthy, though there are lots of things needed for it to be call a true Church of Christ. But anyway, so let's continue.

Okay so here it is, Does the Church needs a Continuous Revelations?

Absolutely, the Bible speaks to the need for continuous revelation in several ways. Let's delve into some biblical evidence that supports the idea of ongoing revelation from God:

Amos 3:7 states, “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” This scripture underscores the principle that God communicates His will to His children through prophets, implying a continuous process as long as there are people on Earth and decisions to be made.

In Ephesians 4:11-14, Paul talks about Christ giving apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers "for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." This suggests that these roles, including prophets, are necessary until we reach unity and perfection in Christ, indicating an ongoing need for revelation.

Matthew 16:17-19 shows Jesus speaking to Peter, saying, "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." He then talks about giving Peter the keys of the kingdom of heaven. This demonstrates that revelation (Peter’s recognition of Jesus as the Christ was cited by Jesus as revelation from the Father) and authority (keys of the kingdom) were central to the leadership of the Church, suggesting a model where continuous revelation through divinely appointed leaders is vital.

John 16:12-13, where Jesus tells His disciples, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth." This indicates that the process of revelation would continue after Jesus’s ascension, through the Holy Spirit guiding the Church into all truth.

Lastly, the book of Revelation itself is an example of continuous revelation. John received visions and revelations about events to come and the ongoing struggle and victory of God's kingdom. This reinforces the idea that God continues to reveal His will and guidance to His people through prophets.

These scriptures point to a biblical foundation for the belief in continuous revelation—God’s pattern of revealing His will through prophets, giving guidance to the Church through the Holy Spirit, and the ongoing role of apostles and prophets as part of the leadership of Christ’s Church. It's a beautiful principle that ensures God's children are never left without guidance in any era.


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