Why Christ said addressing the Father as the One true God in John 17:1-3 while he was also the same God?

This question is not actually new to every INC Member who tries to insist their doctrine and ideology. The only thing could answer the question is to know the biblical elements and contextual understanding about the nature of Christ before he departed in this world and the divine calling of God the Father and the Holy Ghost.

Here let's address some issue - 

This passage is indeed a profound one and attaches great importance to understanding the nature of God and Jesus Christ as it relates to the Latter-day Saint belief. In John 17:1-3, during Christ's intercessory prayer, He refers to the Father as "the only true God" and also talks about Himself in the role as the one whom the Father has sent.

Jesus Christ is regarded as divine and a member of the Godhead, which also includes God the Father and the Holy Ghost. These three are separate beings but are one in purpose and essence in their divinity and in their commitment to the salvation of humanity. So, when Jesus refers to the Father as the "only true God," it is not to diminish His own divinity but to acknowledge the role and authority of the Father in the plan of salvation and to emphasize the relationship between the Father and the Son. This relationship is central to understanding the Godhead in Latter-day Saint beliefs: that they are distinct individuals united in purpose.

Jesus's statement emphasizes the importance of knowing God the Father and Jesus Christ as the pathway to eternal life, highlighting the significance of understanding and accepting the divine roles and missions both have in our lives. It's a beautiful testament to the loving and distinct roles within the Godhead and their singular purpose in our salvation.

Scriptural Reference
  • 1 John 5:6-8  three that bear record in heaven
  • John 17:21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee
  • John 10:33-34 because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God... 
  • Psalm 82:6 ... Ye are gods... (Christ quoted in John 10:34)
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