Think Fast!

Just this past few weeks, my son Jasher and I quarrelled for some time on some small matter, and every time he answered, which is sometimes disrespectful, made me feel angry that I raised my voice in anger when he attempted to respond. It didn't happen just once but almost whenever I found out my son Jasher made something unworthy in my ways. My wife noticed that some things were wrong with me. Perhaps there are things I need to work out and my son was affected by my actions.

In Jasher's plate, he asks me what I see.
Never notice it at first glance.
He made a figure.


As my son Jasher grew up, there were lots of changes that affected our relationship. He learns to fight back as we try to insist on our principles that perhaps will help him understand our desire and our plan as a parent towards our children. Yet they don't think of any of it as a good result, but rather as a burden. I have an attitude  of raising my voice anytime when something  went wrong, im not temperate and happens almost everytime when my kids try 

So, What's the Solution?

I just don't know what's the best solution but since we as parents have a different type of approach to our children. We need to get along and make adjustment as long as we can handle and help our children adapt a principles that is right for them.

Just last night November 30, 2023, we were about to go to bed and Jasher asked me to download an app which is a game that he played before, and so I did. He asked me to log in to his account so he could play his favourite character in a 5V5 battle. While doing it, the game was different and so were the characters, it turns out that it was not his account but rather my old one. I told him to wait for some time to figure out the game but then I accidentally played it directly to a battle, he was devastated to see me playing my character where it was supposed to be his. He got mad and murmured while seeing me play. As a result, I also got mad and yelled at him telling him to stop irritating me and eventually, we made a conversation that ruined our cheerful thoughts to a different environment. We were controlled by our emotions and my wife told me to stop shouting with our son Jasher and I got carried away and I told my wife to do whatever she wanted with him. After some moments, my wife asked my Son to talk with her in the kitchen where they could talk without me. As I listened to their conversations, I decided to sit with them thinking I could control the situation. As the moment passed by, my tears began falling down my cheeks and told him to sit in my lap. He did not attempt to make any response or anything about the situation. It seems he is hiding his hate towards me, yet I am calm and talk as quiet as I could trying to make a resolution on my attitude towards him. He never attempt to make a response everytime I made a conversation, so we decided to take a rest and hopeful that he understood the bright side that I did.

It was not a good moment, it pierced my heart to see my child cried out because of foolish actions. Loud voices and anger which lead to destroy trust and relationship. So, it's better to control tempers or a simple self-control could lead a good result. After all, Anger is one of the Seven Deadly Sins that could destroy a nation. Let's showdown for sometime and think on words that would come out on our mouth.


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