He did cease speaking unto them.


One of the lines in a passage found in 1 Nephi 8:38

It's one of the scriptural verse that I found that made me think how and why was it included there in the scripture where it doesn't even makes sense to me, or maybe if someone might notice it.

I actually ponder this verse for a long time before I realized that it was necessary in the succeeding chapters.

So, when Lehi after telling his dreams and vision, he try every effort to help his eldest sons where he knew something may happened to be wrong in future times. He speak's as a father who was concerned in his sons' soul and wanted to bring them into the right path. (see 1 Nephi 8 for more) 

So, why ceased speaking? Why would a loving father stops giving instructions, or maybe words to inspire them to do good? Or perhaps directions that might help them know what may possibly happen ahead?

For me as I ponder some of this questions thinking there's a better reason. I came up to understand what Joseph Smith jr. had to say to the leaders of the saints in their times. He said -

“I teach them correct principles, and they govern themselves.”

So, what was this all about? As I understood the Joseph Smith's words, Lehi is simply applying the same principle in his time. Lehi as what I have observed on the succeeding chapters, wanted his son to realized and ponder on the things that he had seen in his vision. He simply wants his sons understand the importance of revelations and agency to what they had learned.

More of this ensights will be updated soon. Thank you for checking out.


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