Baptism is not Necessary: Baptism Regeneration issue VS Salvation through Belief

Full Study and Dialog with Joseph Russell (Christian) in a Social Media conversation regarding Biblical Baptism and its unimportance. Coming Soon!

From Christ's Words to Nicodemus.
From the same chapter as understood by most Christians

  1. Why did Christ, Paul and the rest of the apostles teach Baptism?
  2. In today's Christian world, is Baptism Still Necessary?
  3. To believe Christ is enough as the scripture said, so why do we need Baptism?
These will be some of the few questions that we will discuss and some others will follow as we go through this article. For a brief context, Joseph Russell, one of the members of "LDS and Non-LDS Christian Discussion Group" posted something he thinks is anachronism in the Book of Mormon mentioning the baptism of Christ that was seen by Nephi long before baptism was introduced, and he posted it knowing it was n anachronism. Nephi was shown by an Angel about the future events which were also the things his father saw about the coming of the son of God in the flesh where his father Lehi attempted to tell his sons about it. Nephi as his desire to know what his father meant asks for guidance which eventually leads him to see a vision. But anyway, we will not make a full discussion of this topic rather let's try to see some responses that I made about it and here he was educating me about my poor understanding of the Bible. Let's see how his lecture goes -

First Attempt: Water Baptism does not save? 

I ask Wil Jennings about his idea of the subject that he opened up which is Water Baptism, Joseph Russell made an aggressive response and try to point out that I'm not knowledgeable about this subject. This time Wil Jennings quote a scripture which I assumed Joseph Russell agrees on it. So let's see what the context was all about.

Water Baptism or Just believe Jesus Christ?

So, let go over to the entire chapter in which Nicodemus talks to Christ about Salvation. We all know the story, so I will skip some parts that does not need more explanations. So heres what we get -

First few verses (v. 2-4) actually tells us that Nicodemus were eager to know what salvation was all about. Christ told him what to do, telling him that he need to be born again. Nicodemus of course, doesn't understand and don't know what to do, ask him further question how's it goes. So Christ respond in this verse and of course it's the subject of this article -

5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. - John 3:5-6

It's important to understand the Greek form γεννηθῇ refered to closely as to regenerate or born again. And there goes the thing or elements needed which Christ refers to water and Spirit. Also v5 as he addressed to Nicodemus, (οὐ τις δύναται εἰσελθεῖν), which he meant as no other way to salvation. But yes, further biblical reading after Christ made his ministry helps us realized there are things need to get there but that doest void the importance of Baptism as Christ words to his apostles to declare baptism to every nation.

So,  why John 3:16? What's the point of Christ words of just belief and be saved?

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16

So here goes the issue. Though its not actually an issue at all, rather a misunderstood statement. If you just go on and read that simple verse, you will come up in a conclusion that it is the only way of salvation, which most of the Christians made a lot of misconceptions. But upon further reading and study, you'll come to understand that there are things need be done in which Christ wants us to do.

Moving on v18, here Christ made an statement that in order for us to be save and be not condemned, we need to know Christ and believe in his name, if not then there's condemnation waiting while in v19 those who don't believe were already condemned because of their evil deeds. So, why they were condemned? Because they don't do the right thing, as the evil deeds suggest. So heres the point, people who knew Christ and yet follow the opposite were condemned. This is actually a direct statement and yet we missed something, that working out of salvation is still part of it, thus v20 for He that DOETH evil hateth the light,  and in v21 He that DOETH the truth cometh to the Light. Of course that Light is Christ. And what else that says there? V21 that his Deeds may be made manifest, and so on... And that is what salvation meant.

So its simple, to believe Christ or to cometh to the light, it needs good deeds, and basically as part of Christ words to Nicodemus in this exact same chapter and conversation, baptism is necessary and baptism is one of the Good deeds that enables us to come closer to Christ.

I wonder how Joseph Russell understood that same chapter where they use to quote just one verse in their theological study of salvation?


Up next... 

Highlights of Study Mark 16:16
Believe not Shall be Damned


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