Institute Class: New Testament

These were the responses to The question that was asked in the Institute Elevated Learning Experience -

    1. How have you come to better know your Father in Heaven?
    2. What has helped you to more fully understand and rely on Jesus Christ and His Atonement?
    3. How has your testimony of the Restoration of the gospel increased?
    4. What has helped you to more fully qualify for the blessings of the temple?
    5. Which truths from this course have blessed your life?
    6. How have you strengthened your testimony of ________? (The teacher will provide the principle or doctrine for this question.)
    7. How has your life improved because you have deepened your understanding of ________?
(Choose ONE of the following doctrinal topics.)
  • The Godhead
  • The Plan of Salvation
  • The Atonement of Jesus Christ
  • The Restoration
  • Prophets and Revelation
  • Priesthood and Priesthood Keys
  • Ordinances and Covenants
  • Marriage and Family
  • Commandments "Response"
Consider including the following in each response:
    • Identify a doctrine that has become more meaningful to you as you have participated in this course. 
    • Explain the doctrine using your own words, scripture passages, or words of the living prophets.
    • Share an experience in which you have recently felt the power of the doctrine in your life.
    • Share how your experience has deepened your conversion to the gospel of Christ.
Note: If you have a specific need, disability, or health-related condition, speak with your teacher so that he or she can make accommodations to help you complete this experience.

From their own study Journal, here are the collections of their answers -

Paul Doble's Response
(For mobile device double tap to enlarge)


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