Neil Andi Anderson: Was an Attitude defines a religion?

This man has so much hate. I could actually put a lot of screenshots of our exchanges and how this fanatic person is so rude and unchristian in his way of conversing on social media. This is not actually new, there are others out there who did the same thing, and both sides, just to be fair. but this guy even when you're too kind to make a good discussion seems can't control the hatred and rude comments which sometimes leads to ad hominem.

  1. Why would INC Church accept such kind of attitude?
  2. Was this teaching also part of INC theology?
  3. If not. then what kind of people are they that turn away from Christ's teachings and love.

Conversation from Job Bautista's Post.

His Last Christian Word as he Claimed to be a Christian. Funny How this kind of attitude exists in INC and teaches Goodness in their Fundamental Beliefs. Of course, he's a troll and every fanatic troll could do that, which simply harms the INC ideology.


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