National Family Week 2023

National Family Week Kickoff has already started yesterday. We weren't able to gather in the stake center due to bad weather conditions. So we were expected to do the family week activity this coming week and will be happy to do it with my family.

I had bad sore eyes yesterday after I came home from the burial of Tatay Mego and it seemed like there was something in my eye that irritated it. I try to pull it out though I don't know if there was something in there. Then suddenly it turns red as fast as it was.

We will also be having a choir practice but because of it, I couldn't also join with them and conduct the group.

Me with our Branch President Eduardo Mojica Jr. 
I the Burial site. 

Another shot with my Branch President of the Bulawen Branch

Burial Plot of Tatay Mego.
The weather is actually rainy so they need to be in a hurry covering the grave.

This was actually taken today.
I posted some other groups about my current sore eyes
And seems it's getting worse.

And there were still people who did care.

On the other hand, the Family Week Kick-off was also posted in the Facebook Group. So, I need to view it to know how the family week works this month.

Here is the Facebook post on the Official Page of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is a yearly activity during September and everyone is invited.

See the Post below - 
Kickoff of National Family Week Yesterday in Stake Center.
But it was canceled in our stake due to its weather conditions.

Here the Post -

Also, I'm still grateful to have had an opportunity to serve yesterday during the burial service. Such a simple and I heard words that made me cry from the people who were close to Tatay Lazaro Mego.

During the program, I played the piano and played the songs that Tatay Lazaro requested. His request was - 
  • Help me teach with inspiration
  • I'll go where you want me to go
  • God be with you, 'til we meet again
It's a privilege to have a small moment with Tatay Lazaro Mego in his final rest. After all, it's the reason why I file a leave of work just to serve him in the Church, and I'm happy about it.


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