Debunking Misconceptions: The Book of Mormon and the Bible

This was posted in one of the Group that I responded on the comment section to some who take a good excuse about it. Below the text was the actual screenshot.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with my opinion and views, I may disagree the text or maybe some other may sound not appropriate in my understanding. So yeah, I'm not biased about it. I'm only posting this for the sake of linking it for the comment section conversations, which I got involve. And by the way, it will be on a separate post. - 


It's not uncommon to hear claims that The Book of Mormon, a sacred text in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), causes people to doubt the Bible. However, this assertion oversimplifies a complex relationship between the two texts and overlooks the perspectives of millions of individuals who find value in both. In this article, we'll explore the relationship between The Book of Mormon and the Bible and debunk the misconception that one necessarily undermines the other.

Complementary, Not Contradictory:

The Book of Mormon is often seen by LDS Church members as another testament of Jesus Christ. It is intended to complement the Bible, not replace it. Believers in both texts see them as harmonious witnesses to the divinity and teachings of Christ. The Book of Mormon does not negate the significance of the Bible but enriches the understanding of the gospel.

Different Perspectives, Shared Faith:

People who embrace The Book of Mormon alongside the Bible do not necessarily doubt the Bible. Instead, they approach these texts with different perspectives and find spiritual fulfillment in both. They view the Bible as a historical and spiritual document and The Book of Mormon as an additional witness to Jesus Christ.

Individual Interpretation:

Doubt or skepticism can arise from individual interpretation, but it's not unique to one's engagement with The Book of Mormon. People from various religious backgrounds often have different interpretations of scripture, including the Bible itself. Doubt may stem from questions about translation, historical accuracy, or theological matters, but it's not exclusive to The Book of Mormon.

Diverse Views on Scripture:

Within the broad spectrum of Christianity, there are diverse views on which texts are considered authoritative. Some denominations include additional texts alongside the Bible, while others do not. The presence of various Christian denominations with differing scriptural canons demonstrates that perspectives on scripture vary widely.

Personal Spiritual Journeys:

Doubt or faith in any religious text is often a part of an individual's spiritual journey. People grapple with questions, seek answers, and evolve in their beliefs. The Book of Mormon, like the Bible, can be a source of inspiration and guidance for those navigating their spiritual paths.


The assertion that The Book of Mormon causes people to doubt the Bible oversimplifies the nuanced relationship between these texts. While there may be individuals who question aspects of their faith, it's important to recognize that many find spiritual fulfillment and coherence in embracing both texts. The Book of Mormon is a significant part of the religious experience for millions, and it is approached as a complementary witness to the teachings of Jesus Christ alongside the Bible, rather than a source of doubt. Ultimately, the relationship between these texts is a matter of personal belief and interpretation.

Below was the actual screenshot of the OP - 


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