Come Follow me insights: July 10-16

In case you missed, here are some outline of my study for this week's "Come Follow Me" program. I only covered a few so we could share more knowledge this upcoming Sunday School.

The Purpose of Delegation. (Acts 6:1-4)

And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration.
2Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables.
3Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.
4But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.


In order to spend more time with youth, wherever they are, including at school events or activities, bishoprics have been counseled to delegate appropriate meetings and counseling time with adults. While bishops can counsel on acute and urgent matters, we recommend that delegation of ongoing counseling with chronic, less urgent matters that do not involve judgments as to worthiness be assigned to members of the elders quorum or Relief Society—usually presidencies or ministering brothers and sisters. The Spirit will guide the leaders to select the right members to undertake this counseling. Those who receive this delegated counseling assignment are entitled to revelation. They, of course, must always maintain strict confidentiality. - "Bishops—Shepherds over the Lord’s Flock"  by Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Questions to ponder - 

    • Why would the Lord allows Delegation of one's calling to someone?
    • Can an authority be delegated? What's the Limitation?
    • How can I delegate a specific calling? What's the best way to delegate a calling?
    • What/How would it affect to the Person whom the call was delegated?
All of this questions were answered in the General Handbook. See below -

General Handbook

Presiding Church leaders can delegate authority by assignment. When men and women receive these assignments, they are given authority from God to act. For example:
    • The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles delegate authority to Seventies who are assigned to administer areas and to preside at stake conferences.
    • Mission presidents delegate authority to male and female missionaries who are assigned to lead and train other missionaries.
    • Authority is delegated to Church members to serve as ministering brothers and ministering sisters. This occurs when they are assigned under the bishop’s direction by the elders quorum president or Relief Society president.
Authority that is delegated by assignment is limited to the specific responsibilities and duration of the assignment. For more information about assignment through delegation, see 4.2.5. (see below)

General Handbook 4.2.5
Delegate Responsibility and Ensure Accountability

The Savior gave His disciples meaningful assignments and responsibilities (see Luke 10:1). He also gave them an opportunity to account for the work they were given to do (see Luke 9:10).

As a leader, you can help others grow by delegating assignments to them. In this way you will also help them receive the blessings that come from serving. Strive to engage all members in doing God’s work.

Delegating will also make your service more effective. If you try to do too much, you will “surely wear away” (Exodus 18:18). Seek the Spirit’s guidance about what to delegate so you can focus on your highest priorities.

Delegating is more than giving an assignment. It also includes teaching and trusting another person to fulfill the assignment. It usually includes the following elements:

    • Meet with the person to invite him or her to serve the Lord in an assignment. Help the person understand the assignment and its purposes, including how his or her service will bless others.
    • Counsel together about the assignment, who else could be involved, and when it should be finished. Ensure that the person understands and willingly accepts the assignment. Express confidence in his or her abilities.
    • Encourage the person to seek inspiration about how to fulfill the assignment. Show your trust and help the person succeed. Provide direction and support as needed.
    • Periodically ask the person to report on the assignment. Accept the person’s best efforts, and express appreciation for what he or she has done.

Other Biblical example of Delegation is found in Exodus 18 where Jethro Instructed Moses to teach the Laws and ordinances, then appoint able and righteous men and delegate the authority/power to judge the people.
Moses and Jethro


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