Temple Trip: June 9, 2023

Journal Entry June 9, 2023

I made my decision to take 2 days' leave to attend a temple trip. It was about 3 days since we have to leave as early as the midnight trip for Manila Temple from Zambales, but after a few kilometres, the Van that we hired seemed to have trouble with lights and some wiring. We decided to go back and see if we can continue the plan, it's kinda disappointing but we are hopeful that after all the efforts, the temple trip will carry on and that we'll arrive safely.

Anyways, after all, has been said with prayer on our side. Our Branch President has been able to find a way to hire a new van for travel and ask someone to drive us safely there. We got there and I was able to perform baptism for my grandfather on my mother's side and perform other ordinances for him and his wife. Too bad the time is so limited that seems impossible for them to be sealed. But yeah it's worth and I felt so much light on some burdens that have been removed. I need to make a schedule for some of the family members that need me to perform sacred ordinances for them.

Here are some of the pictures That I'd collected, not every detail.

Some pictures in Patron House while checking in.

Pictures that attract my eyes.
Seems like Alma baptising
in the waters of Mormon 

Took some selfies with it.

Outside the Temple.
Just myself,
my wife has her own schedule
So, she's not around with me.

Getting ready for the next sessions

Just a locker.
I don't know why I took
picture on this one

A close-up view of the painting

My daughter Saraijah with the Branch President's wife, Mariette A. Mojica


Check out the rest of my blog post at www.bustillo-family.blogspot.com