Praise to the Man

This is not actually a big deal to those people who really understood and willing to understand about Joseph Smith as the servant of God and nothing else that goes beyond it. But some Antagonist seems to make some new interesting criticisms to satisfy their hate and bashing of LDS teachings and standards. Here's one of the senseless topic that they opened up and I don't even need to discuss more further about it as what it makes it more senseless than making a claim about LDS worshiping Joseph Smith. REALLY? Can we use our brain for some minute to think about the subject and see if this really makes sense to LDS standards or teachings. I'd been in the LDS Church and I never found or heard Joseph was worshipped by one of the bishops. Funny Right?
A post from LDS and Non LDS Christian Discussion
Which I don't refer it a Christian Discussion
rather a Non-Christian Denunciation

So, here's the best part of their new critical examination (possibly new) since it's not a big issue before and yet they try to dig up something they could criticized just for the sake of being a "Good Christian"! LOL!

Anyway, what was this all about? Let's try to see if this criticism really has something to do in worshiping the man Joseph Smith. Actually, there were explanation from our fellow LDS about this subject that I think it's enough to help US learn and understand the matter. Well, anyway let's see some screenshots of other post that says the same thing about it and let's conclude it after all has been said.

So let's go dive in -

Posted by Steven Kipp.
He gave an analogy that describe
Joseph Smith was worshipped
For me, it doesn't make sense using that kind of Analogy
Where no LDS people claim Joseph Smith was worshipped by someone
I can't even remember Joseph Smiths birthday. 😂

Yeah right, Abomination. So when the scripture said
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised." {Proverbs 31:30} It is abomination.

This simply says your ignorant to LDS doctrine and teachings.

Since when did it says it's idolatry? Honoring a man is not worshiping.

Glen Mar R. Lamis addressing the issue in a Group "Does Christianity Refute Mormonism" with some scripture reference. Okay, try refuting that.

A post by Bro. Nathan thar explains on the subject.
See link on this post. 

As I had said, it's not an issue, not a worshiping to a man song or idolatry. So why would we came up to such criticism that doesn't even make sense? It's not abomination to honor someone, either your family member who done goodness on your name or even to any local heroes, that's how it was all about after all that has been said. For me, it's not a big deal to someone who has an understanding or open-minded. No LDS doctrine that ever teach on worshiping Joseph Smith. Zero!

Now here's a beautiful Song. I haven't sing this one before, which is not an official HYMN arrangements. But its nice to hear a good arrangement


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