Journal Entry: May 21, 2023

May 21, 2023 in Bulawen Branch as a usually Sunday.
Below were picture of Bulawen Branch Relief Society. Some Stake Leaders were also here with us. After the Meeting, my wife has a schedule visit in San Agustine Ward of the same Stake (Iba Philippines Stake). She wants to meet up with the Youth Organisations for their Family History Account.

I kept the 3 picture about but actually they almost has the same pose. 😅

We take our journey to San Agustin and here we are taking some picture with San Agustin Saint doing their Family History. It's actually a requirement for their upcoming Activity or Stake Youth Conference. So we have to help them out to become one of the submitters in their ward.

And that's for today, as the Sun goes down we went home filled with loads but not a burden. Just want to share how we were blessed with a spirit of love and service as we continue to keep our covenants with God.


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