Journal Entry: April 23, 2023 - Iba Ward Conference

April 23, 2023 - in IBA Stake Center,

This day was the IBA Ward Conference of IBA Philippines Stake. And of course we're one of the stake leaders to support the conference. I was actually assigned as a closing prayer. So, I did. 🤣

The topics were great and most of the speakers talk about most experiences that they have in making a right choice. 

Jasher's knee was Swelling.
Looks like there's something on it inside

After the conference my wife and I ask Jasher of what he felt on his knees. He barely can't bend it so it's difficult to walk straight as we observed his situations. President Torio saw us as we talk to Jasher, and he felt an impression to take our son to the hospital so he could take some medicine for his knee of whatsoever it was.

Me and my Son Jasher took some pictures outside IBA Stake Center.

So without any delay, we rush to the hospital and ask for a medication that will heal Jasher's wound. As I look up to life experiences thinking about the same thing in it

It was actually the same day where one of my wife's relative ask us to come for a lunch in their New Home. It's a house blessing so they invited us to come.

Some Other Picture with their playmates.

After Lunch, we headed back to the Stake Center for a WSR Education Devotional (PEF, Benson Scholarship Program and other scholarship opportunities for university students) will be conducted at the Stake Center on April 23, (2pm), with Brother Anthony John Balledos (who is my former Stake President in Cebu City Philippines Stake) Everyone were invited to attend and there we are with our Children with us.
Brother Anthony John Balledos introducing
the program to some IBA Stake leaders
attending the Devotional.

Some other Slides.
They also introduce some government program
that we can avail for free.

Question were raised & links about the program

Some other slide, thought my phone didn't capture it clearly.

Here's part of the exhibit.

My wife and I decided to take some pictures with Brother Balledos.

And with some others in full body Pictures

A picture with some members in Palauig Ward.

This is so memorable even where we had a little time bonding our old memories with them. Thank you for visiting my blog.


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