Sustaining Leaders


  1. Is it okay to sustain general Authorities, the President of the Church of Quorum of the twelve, but not the ward Bishop?
  2. Could I sustain my bishop without accepting calling under his direction or his jurisdiction?
  3. My bishop is not a perfect example of sitting order everything in the church. Would I still believe and sustain him?
  4. I found it obvious that sometimes he changes his judgement as if the revelation was given but followed a different instruction according to his understanding.
  5. He is not concerned about the welfare of everyone's soul. Sometimes important matters that need to be discussed were set aside according to his direction.

You can put it down in your little black book, that if you will not be loyal in the small things, you will not be loyal in the large things.  If you will not respond to the so-called insignificant or menial tasks, which need to be performed in the Church and kingdom, there will be no opportunity for service in the so-called greater challenges.  A man who says he will sustain the President of the Church or the General Authorities, but cannot sustain his own bishop, is deceiving himself.  The man who will not sustain the bishop of his ward and president of his stake, will not sustain the President of the Church.

"Follow the Brethren"
Boyd K. Packer

We sometimes question our bishop about his imperfections but forget how imperfect we are. We must remember that the church is not run by just one person or just one judge sitting everything in order. The church needs every member or it needs us to run the church smoothly. Leaders either Bishops, Branch presidents or Stake Leaders were just like you and need time for themselves and family. They also need help and they also have their life problems and priorities. Time, willingness, and unity were the keys to solving the problem in each of the common concerns we encountered, either about the church or whatever matter that needs to be done. Their weaknesses, mistakes or whatever shortcomings they have is not an issue as long as you know your part in leading the church. They hold the keys, but they couldn't use them without the help of someone who sustains their leadership. Remember, Christ is not even honoured in his own country or even Moses wasn't able to lead the Israelites to the Land of Promise because of too many complaints and disobedience. Will you remain on the same pattern?

- Jerry N. Bustillo


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