Neil Andi Anderson: Pretended to know what they Preach.

Now here we go again, one of the INC antagonists who happens to be one of my friends. He tries to post what he calls his knowledge and Testimony of his religion. He tries to address it to Glen Mari, thinking his words could change the truth with such a poor biblical exegesis/eisegesis. His text below and let's try to see how he understands it -

Glen Mari Lamis Lpt Ohhh bulagbulagan ka na post ko na sa unahan di mo binasa iyon? Gusto ka ikaw ang papalit kay Jerry ok tanggap ko ang hamon mo. Basa ka muna sa ilalantad ko sa pagpapatunay na ang INC sa huling araw ay siyang totoong kawan. Basa lang mga alepores para matoto kayo sa katotohanan... ang katotohanan ay siyang ikakaligtas ng tao “IGLESIA NI CRISTO” or “Church Of Christ” (English) and “Iglesia De Cristo” (Spanish). This name (Church Of Christ) is the name of the Church explicitly written in the Bible. In Romans 16:16, thus the Bible says:

“Greet one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ greet you.” (Romans 16:16 NKJV)

Just because you see the word ”Church of Christ”, you then use it as proof that your religion is right or has the truth. This is the first failure of your claim, and I already made a post regarding this one. See the link I provide on this topic. So, my point is simple everyone could simply declare the same passage and use the same church name to declare they have the truth, but that isn't the case if you're a learned man who knows the scripture. Romans 16:16 was all about the Churches (Plural) scattered during their time and I have a list of it in the link if you want to know more about it. For sure you're not aware that they use the word church as a group of people, not a name of an organisation registered in some Government Sectors and claim its originality. You're wrong...

The victory of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) is already seen all over the globe. Now in over 160 countries and territories around the world and comprising over 120 different nationalities, the Iglesia Ni Cristo is one of the biggest religious organizations today.

Have you seen the real victory in comparison to LDS History and your Church History? You're uninformed, sorry if that's how they teach and brainwashed you. See LDS history and its spreading in a short period.

When, where and how the Iglesia Ni Cristo started? What is its main purpose of being? What are its beliefs and practices? What is Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ)?

Good, and I'm looking forward to seeing how your biblical claim or examples have something to do with it. And I'm pretty sure you're not aware of that. 


(Church Of Christ)

The Lord Jesus Christ established His Church during His earthly ministry (cf. Matt. 16:18; Luke 12:32; Acts 20:28). This Church that Christ built was called after His name (Acts 4:12), thus, it was called the “Church of Christ” (Romans 16:16; Acts 20:28 Lamsa). However, the Church founded by Christ in the first century was apostatized (I Tim. 4:1 and 3). The Lord Jesus Christ Himself warned His first-century disciples not only that they will be persecuted and put to death, and at the same time, false prophets will appear and deceive many, thus many of His disciples (those not killed through persecution) will turn away from the faith (Matt. 24:9-11 NIV).

So, you do believe that there are things that need to be restored since the church was in Apostacy? This means we are to see how everything fell into its place such as how the Lord bestows his proper authority on a man like Felix Manalo. Do you think he has that? Let's see if we can find how everything was restored by Felix while there are things that need to be restored during Apostasy.

Although apostasy will take place in the first-century Church Of Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ prophesied that He has other sheep “not of this fold” (John 10:16). He called them His other sheep because they do not belong to the “fold” or the “Church Of Christ” (Acts 20:28 Lamsa) of the first-century. Christ promised to “bring them also” and they will hear His voice, thus there will be one flock. Thus, this prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ is His promise of re-establishing His Church of the Church Of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is the founder of the Iglesia Ni Cristo through the power of His prophetical words.

Most of the modern belief regarding John 10:16 refers directly to the Gentile. But consider this first before making an assumption.

First, The gospel wasn't spread to the gentile nation during Christ's proclamation. So how come it is all about the gentile as the other sheep and basically about Felix Manalo and his Church?

Matthew 10 

1 And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease


5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:

6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

9 Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses,

10 Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat.

11 And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, inquire who in it is worthy; and there abide till ye go thence.

12 And when ye come into an house, salute it.

13 And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.

14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.

Thinking it was about the Gentile Nation. The closes Gentile Nation was supposed to know about the coming of Christ as the Son of God were the Samaritans. Even though they were strictly forbidden to worship with the Jews, they believe the teachings of Moses written in their writings such as the Torah and believe that the Messiah would come to save his people.

John 4:39 ¶ And many of the Samaritans of that city believed on him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did.

40 So when the Samaritans were come unto him, they besought him that he would tarry with them: and he abode there two days.

41 And many more believed because of his own word;

42 And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.

For a complete background, see the rest of the verse in John 4. 

We firmly believe that the emergence of the Church Of Christ in the Philippines in 1914 was the fulfillment of Christ’s promise of re-establishing His Church after the first-century Church Of Christ was apostatized.

Wrong, Christ did not promise to re-establish His Church after the first Century in the Philippines during 1914, you can not sustain that. If ever it was fulfilled, there were already hundreds of religion claiming the same thing. This means registering your Church as the Church of Christ in 1913 or 1914, doesn't say anything about the church Christ built during his Ministry. Felix Manalo didn't receive any revelation from God to do that or to restore something that was lost during the apostasy. That's merely a heresy of Christ's doctrine or teachings. He never said anything about the Philippines.


“From the far east will I bring your offspring...” (Isaiah 43:5 Moffatt)

The emergence of the Church Of Christ in the Philippines was the re-emergence of the one true Church that the Lord Jesus Christ founded. The emergence of the Iglesia Ni Cristo in the Philippines fulfilled another biblical prophecy, “From the far east will I bring your offspring...” (Isaiah 43:5 Moffatt).

This has nothing to do with the subject and nothing to do with Felix and the INC in the Philippines as they declared the one prophesied by Isaiah 43 that says something about the far east. Rather it was about Cyrus of Peria which is east of Babylon and far east (as Moffats says) of Jerusalem. Not a Very far east outside of their region. Isaiah would not prophesied about their freedom over Babylonian captivity to a place unknown to their time that has nothing to do with their freedom and gathering. 

Brother Felix Y. Manalo did not establish the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ). He was not the founder of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, but the messenger of God who was instrumental in preaching the Church Of Christ in these last days. Through his preaching work, the Church of Christ re-emerged in these last days, as the fulfillment of Christ’s prophecy.

I agree, that Felix Manalo did not or wasn't called to restore the Church of Christ, of courses he was not the founder of Christ Church, and of course he wasn't an instrument either which I disagree with your comment. As I have said you cannot sustain that. This is really a bad eisegesis as you interpret it that way. Even Jews who knows better in your history would disagree on that kind of interpretation. Manalo did not even receive a direct revelation or should we say it simply a message from heaven declaring about that interpretation. That's so absurd.

The Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) was first preached by the late Brother Felix. Y. Manalo in the Philippine capital city of Manila. Its first local congregation was established in Punta, Sta. Ana. On July 27, 1914, the Church was registered with the Philippine government. Brother Felix Manalo was the first Executive Minister of the Iglesia Ni Cristo. He led the Church for almost half a century (1914-1963).

1913 as far as I know was his first preaching, but anyway let's just stick on to that History of yours. So far, he's the one Leading the Church and not Christ through him. That's a big difference. 😅 

After fifty years from her humble beginning in 1914, the Church Of Christ had already established more than forty (40) ecclesiastical districts (roughly equivalent of Roman Catholic’s diocese) and more than 3,000 congregations all throughout the Philippines.

Yeah sure, as long as he can proclaim that he was the fulfillment of Isaiah's Prophecy that time since most Filipino's aren't aware of biblical interpretations. But you can do that even today. But I'm pretty sure there are lots of Filipino's here already has the access of biblical history that could possibly says that kind of teachings isn't supported by biblical and scholarly.

God made known to him his divine mission to preached the Iglesia Ni Cristo on November, 1913, when he again immersed himself in an intense study of the Bible for "two days and three nights." Immediately after this, he begun his mission of preaching the Church Of Christ in these last days.

And where is your proof? Where are the testimony of witnesses? Do you have any evidence on how God visited Felix and declare to him his divine mission? Zero! Nothing is proven here rather some commentary of personal life and events of his declaration as messenger. But no evidence of his calling not even any angelic visitations. That's a clear Zero!


“From the far east will I bring your offspring, and from the far west I will gather you.” (Isaiah 43:5 Moffatt)


“From the west, men will fear the name of the LORD, and from the rising of the sun, they will revere his glory. For he will come like a pent-up flood that the breath of the LORD drives along.” (Isaiah 59:19 NIV)

From the establishment of the congregations in Hawaii and California in 1968, the Church of Christ spread like a wildfire in the west, and as the biblical prophecy puts it “like a pent-up flood.”

From 1968, congregations of the Church Of Christ proliferated in the United States and Canada. After three decades, the Church already has eight ecclesiastical districts and more than 1000 congregations in the United States and Canada. No one can compete of the INC for this is of God. The INC has maintained of being ingenuity for it is God's chosen people. As God says in the Book of Zachariah in 13:8-9 "At aking dadalhin ang ikatlong bahagi sa apoy, at sila'y dadalisayin ko na gaya ng pagdalisay sa pilak, at sila'y susubukin ko na gaya ng pagsubok sa ginto.

Interesting, so where did you based that kind of ideology? Uhm!? And tell me did Felix Manalo receive such revelation to spread the church in that certain places in fulfilment of Biblical prophecy, specifically Isaiah 43:5? And tell me, according to the Isaiah 43 as the context of the chapter, how did the INC took its part in gathering or in redeeming the Israel (Isaiah 43:1)? Again, Zero!

So I guess this is where you base your Prophecy.

Okay, this is what we call World Almanac Prophecy. I wonder how many Jews you'd gathered in that Western conference you got there. Any other explanation Neil Andi Anderson?

Sila'y tatawag sa aking pangalan, at akin silang diringgin. Aking sasabihin, ‘Sila'y bayan ko;’ at kanilang sasabihin, ‘Ang Panginoon ay aking Diyos.’” Ano ang sabi ng Panginoon sa ikatlong bahagi? "SILA AY BAYAN KO" Napakalinaw sa sinabi ng Panginoon sa kanyang kawan na ito ang ikatlong bahagi na ito ang kanyang bayan. At sabi pa ng Panginoon "AKIN SILANG DIRINGGIN" Kaya kayong mga mormonic na palaging nagdelusyon ni isang pangako na mula sa Diyos kahit isa ay wala. ZERO brad naiintindihan mo ba ang ZERO? 👌 😄

Funny how you claim to have a perfect score without understanding the context of the scriptures. Do you think so? You have a poor understanding of biblical prophecies which conclude that INC is not a true religion, and Felix Manalo is not a Messenger of God. Try again on your best attempt, but this one won't work.

Already refuted.
Looking forward for your counter-arguments.


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