Responding Carmen B. Stiller: Part 1 (A God Mormon knew)

Here's an antagonist who seems to think she knows anything about LDS or Mormonism as she calls it. Let's see how her comments and finds out if she Really has something on the table. Without further adieu let's dive in. Green fonts are her comments -


Okay, so here she named her post "Ang Dios Kinikilala ng mga Mormon..." Did she really knows anything about the God we worship? Let's find it out.

Sa kanilang aklat na Mormon Doctrine:

"Three separate personages --- Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. As each of these persons is a God, it is evident, from this standpoint alone, that a plurality of Gods exists, To us, speaking in the process finite sense, these three are the only Gods we worship. But in addition there is an infinite number of holy personages, drawn from worlds without number, who have passed on to exaltation and are thus gods."

Sa Tagalog:

"Tatlong katauhang magkakahiwalay --- Ama, Anak, at Espiritu Santo --- ang bumubuo ng pagka-Diyos. Dahil sa ang bawa't personang ito ay isang Diyos, malinaw, sa pagkaunawaang ito lamang na may umiiral na maraming Diyos. Sa ganang amin, sa abot sa ng aming pang-unawa, ang tatlong Diyos na ito ang tanging sinasamba namin. Subali't bilang karagatan, mayroong di mabilang na mga banal na personahe, na hinango mula sa mga daigdig na walang bilang, na nakasulit sa pagpapadakila at sumakatuwid ay mga diyos. (Mormon Doctrine, pp. 576 - 577).

Okay, first of all Mormon Doctrine is a compiled documentary/Commentary of Bruce R. McConkie. The church never claim it a standard doctrine or official writings of Prophets and apostles. In fact, it is just like INC use Jorge Lamsa translation of Acts 20:28 then uses his documentary to support the idea of Jorge Lamsa's translation, but deny Hebrew 1:8 of the same translation. That's how INC chose the best cherry for the sake of Unitarianism.

From Mormon Doctrine of Bruce R. McConkie

But anyway, to satisfy her points and since I am responding her criticisms. Yes, it is true, we believe that there were three who bare records in heaven [1 John 5:7], and biblically, Christ, the Father and the Holy Ghost are three separate beings. Let me try to elaborate that for you. Matthew 12 says this -

31 ¶ Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

32 And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

Now here's the idea, the scripture says that Christ has the power to forgive sin. So, why can't he forgive or save men from damnation if they blaspheme the Holy Ghost? Also, Christ even has the All Power in Heaven and in Earth [Matthew 28:18]. So why can't save someone who transgress against the Holy Ghost? Another one on Christ declaration of sending the Apostle to the Nation. Matthew 28 says this -

19 ¶ Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

If God is the Spirit, so what's the use of including the Holy Ghost in such declaration? Why wouldn't just say "Baptized them in the name of the Father and the Son" period(.) But rather include the Holy Ghost on the List. What's the idea actually?

Anyways, I don't have enough space to fill this entire blog. I'll be adding that subject on different article soon.

Let's move forward to see the rest of the comments -

1 + 1 + 1 = 3 


Okay, so how was that mathematical computation makes any sense? That's how people solves that math, so what gives?

Jerry Nuñez Bustillo

Niño S. Tandoy 


I don't know what her question all about or what is she up to. But I think this has something to do with Christ as human not God to be worship, and yet INC worship him just because God told them to do so. Seriously? What's the issue of Christ deification?


Isaiah 40:25 (NIV)

“To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One.

Isaiah 45:5 (KJV)

"I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me:"

Okay Isaiah 40:25, 45:5, so do you understand what you're quoting? Alright so let's get this scripture straight. Here's some additional Trivia for you -

The word "Holy one", was mentioned more than 50 times both in Old and New Testament. Aside from God, Angels and Saints, it was also referred and addressed to Christ during and even after his ministry. (See some reference below)

Mark 1:24; Luke 4:34

Acts 2:22-27; 3:14

Using Isaiah 40:25 let's try KJV Lexicon and see how it was meant -

To whom then will ye liken - damah (daw-maw') to compare; by implication, to resemble, liken, consider -- compare, devise, (be) like(-n), mean, think, use similitudes.

me or shall I be equal - shavah (shaw-vaw') to level, i.e. equalize; figuratively, to resemble; by implication, to adjust (i.e. counterbalance, be suitable, compose, place, yield, etc.)

saith - 'amar (aw-mar') to say (used with great latitude)

the Holy One - qadowsh (kaw-doshe') sacred (ceremonially or morally); (as noun) God (by eminence), an angel, a saint, a sanctuary -- holy (One), saint.

Here the text simply says "Who should we compare God or equal in him?" Christ simply answers that during his confrontation with some Jewish Leaders who tries to corner him with blasphemy. Christ said -

34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

John 10:34-35 

Christ is simply quoting Psalm 82:6 using the phrase "I said" (in which suppose has something to do with his existence) instead of "I have said" it refers back to the actual quote, that the Jews (or could be this time an INC member) who never understood the scriptures.

Additional from Commentaries, this is what Isaiah meant -

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

40:18-26 Whatever we esteem or love, fear or hope in, more than God, that creature we make equal with God, though we do not make images or worship them. He that is so poor, that he has scarcely a sacrifice to offer, yet will not be without a god of his own. They spared no cost upon their idols; we grudge what is spent in the service of our God. To prove the greatness of God, the prophet appeals to all ages and nations. Those who are ignorant of this, are willingly ignorant. God has the command of all creatures, and of all created things. The prophet directs us to use our reason as well as our senses; to consider who created the hosts of heaven, and to pay our homage to Him. Not one fails to fulfil his will. And let us not forget, that He spake all the promises, and engaged to perform them.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

To whom then will ye liken me? - (See Isaiah 40:18) The prophet having thus set forth the majesty and glory of God, asks now with great emphasis, what could be an adequate and proper representation of such a God. And if God was such a Being, how great was the folly of idolatry, and how vain all their confidence in the gods which their own hands had made.

Matthew Poole's Commentary

He repeateth what he said Isaiah 40:18, that he might oblige them to the more serious and frequent consideration of the absurdity of the idolatry.

In conclusion, she added some mathematical illustration that seems not even making any sense. But let's just think it this way, if God was Called by Christ as the Father, then whose son is He? Mary son, or the Son of God? The scripture also thought us that Christ was setting in God's throne, while some INC try to bend the subject regarding Hebrews 1:8 of Christ as God to "God is your throne". If so, then how was the son of man been able to sit in God's throne?




She use this illustration after her comments.
I don't know how relevant is this in a discussion.


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