First Sunday of September 2022

So rainy this day, we went to Bulawen Chapel for a Sunday Meeting as usual.

The road is not safe, it's raining so hard this morning. While my wife drove the trike, our two children Jasher and Saraijah enjoy the ride.

Some Messages receive
for the upcoming Meeting

In stake center. We got a Council Meeting with some bishops. Agendas were opened and it got a lot of work.

It was instructed to have a musical presentation every 4th Sunday for each auxiliary.

Another thing was a missionary preparation class must be organized in each ward or branch.

Some questions were raised about the importance of Calling and magnifying it.

Temple and family history was also included with some instruction on getting a temple recommendation. Every ward needs to work out their indexing and some apps were introduced.

A quote from
President of the Church

Doctrine and Covenant 115:4-6 was quoted.

Doctrine and Covenant 59:9 And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day;

A question was raised. 

  • How can we get our members to fully gather again in person and feel the Joy and Excitement to fellowship and ministers to one another? 
Some Personal answers were heard and some shares experiences. For me, it's a matter of Faith understanding and working on it, and everything will fall into its places. If every members has that same attributions, it'll be easy to perform the work of the Lord and everyone's faith will grow.


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