Work hard to get Temple Recommend?


Okay, so does the so-called Christian world think salvation is cheap? I haven't realized that until I got this. This seems to be that the poster is try to open up how some principles is not necessary in obtaining a temple recommend. Any suggestions from the Poster? Having a temple recommend doesn't even guarantee exaltation or as the Comment says "Highest Level of Heaven". Seems like they misunderstood the Church standards and worthiness or even sacred covenants. Temples are part of it, even in the old days, and everyone is invited to come and enter in to the temple. The real question could be was that, How to get there? There are efforts of course. There are things that we need to work out that's worth the price. Same goes with salvation. Most Evangelical Christianity believed in Salvation through grace, and that is you have nothing to do at all, or Christ have done it, so everything you do here such as the ordinances are not that necessary at all, believing Christ that all it takes. We believe Christ had done his part for us and that salvation is not available to everyone who believes, but the Latter-day Saints has take it to a different level. Latter-day Saints believe that in order to get that free salvation, is to make an effort to get it. Yes it is there in the table, but you need to get it. Faith is not just a merely believing to something to be true. Faith means to work out of it to be true. One day I ask someone about Christ teachings of Faith can move Mountains. I ask him as to how could it move mountains? If you have faith in Christ so how did you use that faith to move mountain? Well, it ended up topic twist. I made my reply on the same question. How can faith move mountains? Simple, work on it, dig it, use any strength, use a shovel, here some men, or use a dump trucks, excavator and other heavy equipments to move that mountain to a new location. That what faith is all about, faith is to work out your salvation. 

Philippians 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.


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