Top 10 Facts The Mormon Church Doesn’t Want Its Members To Know: Part 1 - Fact #10

So here, another Antagonist collection that has been answered over and over and reposted by one of the Christian-claimed evangelicals or maybe just another one self-claimed Christian. Anyways, I would just like to address directly to the OP since they're so critical about it, in a sense that war is proclaimed.

A post from Mary Jo Avery
From Christianity Versus Mormonism
Link of her post here.

Okay, since they are so critical about it then let's try refuting their critical. Here's the list inside that site. Id copied that articles and made my comments on it on different text colored. See below -

An article posted July 20 at the NY Times website sent shock waves throughout The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, otherwise known as the Mormon church. Hans Mattson, a Swedish “Area Authority” (equivalent to a Cardinal) overseeing the church’s works in Europe, provided an interview expressing doubts about the church after learning of historical facts online that are never taught in Sunday School classes. Among the facts he found out include the truth surrounding Joseph Smith’s polygamous ways and some historical inconsistencies with the church’s scriptures, such as the Book of Mormon.

I don't know about it and I have no time digging his own version of truth that never taught in Sunday School, perhaps people got caught sometimes in history that no one knows the actual setting, they just keep digging it and sort it that perhaps someone use it against the church. History is history and every church has it. The sad thing is not all history leads us directly to the actual setting or events. I just don't know why are they so concern about it while it wasn't even practice in today's world. Same goes biblical. Anyway, let's take a look.

That a high-ranking church official had not been aware of these facts throughout his church membership reveals the great lengths to which the Mormon church had gone in hiding the many truths that paint the church in a bad light. And with that, here are ten facts the Mormon Church would not want its members to know.

I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with salvation and Christ. So why would the church or a Sunday School taught that when it wasn't all about the welfare of one's soul? Does the other churches taught that way to their members digging something on their history? I don't think so.

10. Joseph Smith Married Girls As Young As 14

 Video Here. Video was posted just check it out for yourself by click on the link.

While the practice of polygamy in the church’s early days is fairly common knowledge today, Mormon leaders and average members normally justify that by saying that it was done only to protect the widows at a time when male Mormon members were dying due to persecution. Yet a quick search of Joseph Smith’s genealogy at church-owned would prove that he was married to teenage girls. Documents further show that the youngest girl that Joseph Smith married was Helen Mar Kimball, who was 14 years old at the time of marriage. One would have to really stretch the truth to believe that these teenage girls were widows that needed to be taken cared of.

Just as Expected, so does the Antagonist thinks about it us unrevealed. This was even post in the official site that even Helen Mar Kimball testify about Joseph's practice of Polygamy. Click on the Link here here some of Helen's words about the Practice and how she describe Joseph Smith’s Polygamy issue. 

Check on the Woman View and Why Practice Plural Marriage by Helen Mar Kimball and how she address this concerns publicly and her view about Plural Marriage.

Check this one from Saints Unscripted

Okay, so what was this all about? Just same old trash collected over and over recycling history that people didn't even know the actual events. Just a common criticism for a newbie.

To be continued -
Up Next (9. Past Prophets Preached False Doctrines)


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