God is a Spirit.

Another interesting topic that was seems to contradict scripture to scripture, and it's hard sometimes to make people understand the nature of God being a God or something else.  Here is one of the most common questions and will try to dive it here to clear this confusion.

From a Facebook user but was copied from other anti-Mormon crap.

The colored texts are my comment and some other highlighted Text from other sources. Let's dive -


The Bible clearly teaches that God is a Spirit (John 4:24) and so He has no flesh and bones (Luke 24:39). Jesus Christ himself taught that “no one has seen God” (John 1:18) because He is invisible (1 Timothy 1:17).

Okay, so here we go. John 4:24 If you take a further reading on this chapter, you'll realize some important details of Christ's words. The phrase that says "they that worship him must worship him in spirit...". If you think on that line and try to understand it, it's kinda hard to catch up with what christ's word was all about. Here are some of the lines from In "Defense of Truth", you can check it out here in this blog, it explains what it is all about Christ address to the Samaritan Woman -

Click here to read it

On the other hand, I would like to add some important detail, in a conference report about 1943 by Elder Antoine R. Ivins First Council of the Seventy -


The world was shocked to think that God, after all, might have a personality of that kind; and generally speaking, I believe, that idea is not to this day accepted, for they rely upon a certain scripture in the New Testament which says, "God is a God of spirit" John 4:24 and they say: "All the world knows that spirit is immaterial."

I called to their attention the fact that the Prophet Joseph Smith teaches that there is no such thing as immateriality in the world, and that even spirit is matter D&C 131:7 and substance; and if God is a God of spirit, and if spirit is matter, then God is material, and thus can have a definite form. The scripture which says that God created man in his own image Gen. 1:27 is a real and true scripture, and when the Prophet Joseph Smith was given that wonderful blessing, he saw God in His true form.

While we worship God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, we have a different idea as to their personality and being from that which the world at large possesses. It was the restoration of that truth, among others, that was essential at that time. When we tell the world that they have gone astray, we do nothing more than quote the word of Christ our Lord to the Prophet Joseph Smith, and there is no egotism on our own part when we say it. We accept the responsibility of that announcement in humility and faith.

I found that there are many people who are blessed with that interpretation of God, even among those who are not of our faith. They are pleased with the thought that God can be real, that there is no confusion in that scripture, after all, but that he is a definite personality. I taught them our method of faith in that type of God.

I believe as our many friends who have come amongst us here inquire as to why Mormonism, that that, perhaps, shall be our first explanation: that God is real, and truly a being, and that he has restored the gospel.
Let's continue -

In their book, Doctrine and Covenants, page 238, section 130 verse 22, they teach that:

“22. The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us.”

However, in their Book of Mormon, in Alma 31:15, they are teaching that God is a spirit:

Alma 31:15 “Holy, holy God; we believe that thou art God, and we believe that thou art holy, and that thou wast a spirit, and that thou art a spirit, and that thou wilt be a spirit forever.”

And here goes how he misrepresents the term. It is not in church doctrine that the spirit is a kind of being that doesn't have a tangible body. Angels are also spirits and yet Jacob wrestled with one of them during his time. (See Genesis 32:24-32). Anyways, let's move on from here -

Also in Alma 22:8-10, they are teaching that God is a Great Spirit:

Alma 22:8 “And now when Aaron heard this, his heart began to rejoice, and he said: Behold, assuredly as thou livest, O king, there is a God.”

Alma 22:9 “And the king said: Is God that Great Spirit that brought our fathers out of the land of Jerusalem?”

Alma 22:10 “And Aaron said unto him: Yea, his is that Great Spirit, and he created all things both in heaven and in earth. Believest thou this?”

The contradictory doctrines of the Mormons concerning God prove that it is one of the false churches although it claims to be a true church.

I don't seem to see a contraction if you mean to understand the word spirit as unseen and can't be touched while they use the word GREAT SPIRIT as of a different type of being, capable of doing things whatsoever he wants.

Ctto: Nick Gasgas Reyes (The owner of the Post)

Here another video about this interesting topic that might lessen my time on research. Check out the links on YouTube video.


Check out the rest of my blog post at www.bustillo-family.blogspot.com