Neil Andi Anderson: How the INC Teaching would reflect in the Hearts of INC members?

Some of the screenshots were collected of some INC garbage talks. Their technique is to provoke someone and then they will post comments that would make them clean in the eyes of many. So, I Collect some of Neil Andi Anderson's trash comments and judge for yourself.

See how he's so mean?
Ad Hominem
uses words in judging someone
because of his looks.
Nice One Neil. 

The only thing that these trolls keep hiding in their account, because it's against the teachings of INC, and they can't keep their doctrine in their daily lives and conversations. These people are struggling to be more Christlike or be real Christian. After provoking, they have to prove someone in Social Media and claim their victory. What a shame, so many selfish acts, and vainglory. 

Philippians 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. 

Nothing much of your religion Neil Andi Anderson, I expect worse. Change my mind. 


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