Neil Andi Anderson and Job Bautista: Failure understanding (Christianity = Anachronism)

Neil Andi Anderson and Job Bautista were struggling to understand the author of the Book of Mormon who used words to describe the believers before his compilation. Let's dive in and see how his understanding goes of their very own illogical thinking - 

Text in red for my comments and some others for quotes and Scriptural reference.

Job Bautista's comments addressed to me. 

His main concern is the word "Christian" mentioned in the book of Mormon while it was around approximately 73-70 BC. Good point, the only problem was, who made the abridgment and how was his understanding goes in abridging the record? Before I answer that let's just try some biblical examples of the same issue where Paul quoted the words unknown to the Old Testament Times. Here's the text - 

[1 Corinthians 10]
1 Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;
2 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;
3 And did all eat the same spiritual meat;
4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.
5 But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.

Take note of the usage of the following words in his letter (Baptized, the Rock was Christ). Does Moses knows something about this in the future, or was Paul's knowledge and understanding of the significance of his days?

Paul was the writer of that epistle could be wrong to understand the events or the scripture since such things could not exist in Old Testament times. Can our Friends Neil Andi Anderson and Job Bautista help us with this thing? Let's see if they can.

Here are the Comments from our very friend Neil Andi Anderson addressed to me of course. See my comments in red.

Jerry Nuñez Bustillo Ayon daw sa baluktot niyong pangangaral pwede daw tawaging Christiano iyong wala pa ang Cristo. And do you analyze how it was said and who said it? If you know who said it, then was it after Christ or Before Christ?

Mormon abridging the writings.

I will add the definition to help Job Bautista in his study with Neil Andi Anderson.

The word Christian was mentioned a couple of times in the Book of Mormon, and most numbers were found in the Book of Alma Chapters 46 and 48 (see Reference at the sources) as the group of people who believe in the Son of God or Christ who will soon Come for the sins of the world or the Atonement. In our days, normally we call it Christians, same thing with Mormon who has a pure understanding of their belief. 

Chapter Heading of Alma 46

And for the record, these chapters were written as an abridged account by Mormon during their final Battle of Nephites and Lamanites. The Book of Alma was the account before Christ's ministry around 73-72 BC. This means Christianity is not yet established during those times as our Friend Neil Andi Anderson made his comments. A sure answer, yes it is true, but the question goes, who wrote it that way?

Books that were abridged by Mormon were found in the Large Plates.

There are things that you need to know first using your logical thinking. When did the writer write it and how was his understanding of the doctrine of Christ while abridging their history?

Mormon (of course) was born after the ascension of Christ and it is even the days when people have already forgotten the importance of Christ teaching during his ministry to them. People during his times were started to be divided and no sooner did they start a war.

Mormon's words before
he turns over the records
to his son Moroni.
He inserted these words
Between the Large and
the small plates.
Around 385 AD
(See the red-underlined text of the image)

The writer (who is Mormon) understood the doctrine of Christ and knows how the people who were ahead of his time practiced the teachings of Christ before he came. It was prophesied before him, which means Mormon already knew what teachings and what's best describes to the reader which he wrote in the plates that were prepared for future purposes, that perhaps it could help them understand who was the Christ who was their saviour to look upon.

Does it sound anachronistic? Maybe, if you don't know where to start. The only problem with these people was their useful cherry-picking ideology. They won't notice how things were written and what the context was all about, they just simply pick it up somewhere in some common lines and declare it false. In the Book of Mormon, Mormon inserted his words while abridging the records, and here's the best part of it - 

Words of Mormon 1
3 And now, I speak somewhat concerning that which I have written; for after I had made an abridgment from the plates of Nephi, down to the reign of this king Benjamin, of whom Amaleki spake, I searched among the records which had been delivered into my hands, and I found these plates, which contained this small account of the prophets, from Jacob down to the reign of this king Benjamin, and also many of the words of Nephi.
4 And the things which are upon these plates pleasing me, because of the prophecies of the coming of Christ; and my fathers knowing that many of them have been fulfilled; yea, and I also know that as many things as have been prophesied concerning us down to this day have been fulfilled, and as many as go beyond this day must surely come to pass—
5 Wherefore, I chose these things, to finish my record upon them, which remainder of my record I shall take from the plates of Nephi; and I cannot write the hundredth part of the things of my people.
6 But behold, I shall take these plates, which contain these prophesyings and revelations, and put them with the remainder of my record, for they are choice unto me; and I know they will be choice unto my brethren.

To continue here are the last parts and we'll just update it on our part 2.

Paano ka maging Cristiano kung ang taong tinutukoy mo hindi pa eksistedo o hindi pa nagsisimulang nangaral? Good question, so back to the question that I ask, who said it, and when was it when he said it? Before Christ or after Christ? Kung sa bisaya pa na salita nangabuang na kayo dahil sa pinuno niyong sex predator. His arrogance shows he knows nothing about Joseph Smith and the Polygamy Issue rather he keeps living his hocus-pocus ideology of Joseph's life as a sex predator as he said it. Do you have documented evidence, Neil? The INC members were mostly brainwashed by their ministers to avoid mingling with the people not of their belief and hate them. Most of the time, they include in their  Masses about other religions and twist it such as this guy who doesn't know anything at all. But will just leave it to that. Saan niyo makikita sa diktiyonaryo na ikaw ay naging followers sa wala? Wrong, Abraham saw Christ's days and rejoice in it. Those people or prophets who saw the Saviour already follow the teachings of God and since Christ was already the God they're serving. But of course, they don't want to understand it as their Unitarian view differs from their understanding of Christ deity. Ang mga tarantado lang ang mga nangangaral iyan pero di tayo magtataka dahil matagal na ang mga mormons na mga ganyan. And look at that kind of Christian who uses swear words? Does anyone know who claims Christian that doesn't act as Christian? These people need to understand what discipleship means and what great impact does it affect on their lives. But no, I could not see anything more Christlike to this kind of Religion. They just simply attack and proclaim their very own bigoted doctrine no one even cares. Such a childish and low standard doctrine of INC. Bigyan kayo ng ehemplo mga mormonic people, bakit may tinatawag na followers of Islam? dahil silay tagasunod sa aral ni Muhammad, ikalawang ehemplo bakit may mga tinatawag na followers of Judaism? Dahil sila ay naniwala sa banal na aklat na Torah na itoy pinaghahawakan na karamihan ay mga Hudyo. Bakit may followers ng mga Buddhism dahil may aral na kanilang sinusunod na ang original teachings ay attributed kay Gautama Buddha. Kaya di ka maging followers kung wala pa nating marinig ang aral nito. Have you seen the problem here? The followers of Christ will never be called Christian not until Christian is already established. For your information, Neil Andi Anderson, Christ never said anything about Christianity or Christian Religion to those who follow him, the follower of Christ was simply called Disciples. But yes of course, since they follow Christ it is best described or distinguished as Christians, and some other apostles like Paul and Peter preached his words and claimed it as a Christian doctrine. But does this simply mean those who were before Christ are not his followers or does God teach different principles until Christ changes it to Christianity? I guess no, this is one of the best church name game strategies of INC, but never understood the ancient teaching of God. Okay, so I'll give you my example, if Christianity was only recognized in the New Testament times, why use the Old Testament? You people quoted a lot in the Old Testament as the fulfillment of your said Messenger. So, those prophets recognized it as different from what they learned about the teachings of God back them? So, how do you reconcile that? Hindi tulad ng mormonito sa kanilang maling paliwanag na may followers ang hindi pa nila marinig. Just Go back to the main question that I gave and understand it, you lack of logical thinking proves how poor you people receive the teachings of your religion. I guess your religion taught you to understand the scripture or maybe they don't. Care to teach me about it? Pitty on your Organization and I hope your ministers will help you in your study. Ang mga taong ito ay nanaginip ng gising. Maybe, if you're still asleep, good try though but you missed the whole point of your bigotry study. Thanks and have a great day.

Scripture Source
  • The mention of the Word Christian (Plural Term) 
[Alma 46]
13 And he fastened on his head-plate, and his breastplate, and his shields, and girded on his armor about his loins; and he took the pole, which had on the end thereof his rent coat, (and he called it the title of liberty) and he bowed himself to the earth, and he prayed mightily unto his God for the blessings of liberty to rest upon his brethren, so long as there should a band of Christians remain to possess the land—
15 And those who did belong to the church were faithful; yea, all those who were true believers in Christ took upon them, gladly, the name of Christ, or Christians as they were called, because of their belief in Christ who should come.
16 And therefore, at this time, Moroni prayed that the cause of the Christians, and the freedom of the land might be favored.

[Alma 48]
10 And thus he was preparing to support their liberty, their lands, their wives, and their children, and their peace, and that they might live unto the Lord their God, and that they might maintain that which was called by their enemies the cause of Christians.

  • New Testament Phrases Found in the Book of Mormon (Video)


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