INC troll: The Greatest Strategy of Hiding on Fake Accounts

Here's another Troll of INC Warriors (as they call themselves hiding in a fake account). See how this INC member makes himself proud of being a Provoker. do you think a Christlike Christian Claimed organization was taught to keep a conversation this way? Calling INC General Manager. Come on? did you train these people that way?

I'll just post some other comments of our discussions and see for yourself who this guy claim to be a Christian with their very own Christ-centered Doctrine. In Let's go dive in -

He used his New Alias
in another account I guess.
And here's his post in
their owned INC Trademark group.

While Looking at the Post
using this scripture.
It's a normal Discussion
that can easily be debunk
in examining INC's
Ministerial Line of Authority.

The Troll starts his Comments
with a criticism.

There's a Rule on this Group, and the Admin Kick me out by not abiding on it. But here it goes some fishy group rules.

Quoting Something that
has nothing to do with his Post.

Bruce Wall try to point him
to the issues,
But it seems this
guy's close-minded.

I made my first attempt
addressing Bruce Wall
about the issue of this Group.

We made a few conversations
Try to warn him about this group
Of INC and their owned doctrine. 

Calling someone an adulterer
without any evidence shows
how this guy's poor mental
capacity in a formal discussion.

Bruce Wall is correcting him
But to end it, he doesn't care.

And he seems to have 
authority over his claim.
See, nothing happens
but such a Bigot.

I try to get his answers
and it seems he's trying to escape it.
But I don't expect much about him. 
He doesn't answer you straight rather fallacious arguments. 

He said I'm a self-righteous
And added some immature
Comments for me.
I asked him about his claim
but he never proves it.
Empty at all.
It's all but just scorning.

He's trying to justify his point
that I'm not the admin which means
he can do whatever he wants.

Not a good shot for offenders.
This proves they aren't Christians
In their heart or truly converted.

And my sarcastic response of
laughing and scorning.

INC members are will trained on disrespect and defaming. Even in Pasugo, most of their Messages are directly attacked and deprivation on other faiths.


Check out the rest of my blog post at