Twisting the Verses and Decieve: Job Bautista's Study of Isaiah 43:5-6 and 41:9

Here is one of their so-called prophecy
fulfilled using various verses of Isaiah
twisting its meaning to deceive many.

This is one of the topics that I open up one time to both Job Bautista and Neil Andi Anderson asking them to explain how their claim prophecy was fulfilled. I never found one good answer but rather an insult and Memes irrelevant that leads to a different topic. Anyway, let's repost and will probably update it for some future references. So here's the first text using the King James Version (KJV) and we'll use some of their favorite version to make it more even.

Isaiah 43:5-6
5 Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west;
6 I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth;

Using these verses as the result of Isaiah's Prophecy regarding the Ends of the Earth as the place chosen by God to fulfill his word in stopping Catholicism and Protestantism. Check out my previous post regarding this matter and my questions to Job Bautista's Study to learn more about this chapter and its claims. Click the link and in the meantime, I'll give my comments about his post and how he fails it.

First, it is all about Babylonian Captivity and the Philippines has nothing to do about it. Isaiah's Babylonian document comprises of Chapter 40-66 is called Deuter-Isaiah, scholars categorize it that way since it was written during the exile and the prophecy of their return. The Philippines has nothing to do with it, the far east sometimes claimed by these INC members is no other than the Persia of Persian empire East of Babylon and which is of course far east of Israel or Judah. So it turns out the text is just simply misinterpreted by our INC friends who try to make their scripture study. I don't think that works. See map below to figure out actual places, Babylonian Captivity on dark brown.

Map during Cyrus of Persia.
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So, to sum up, their theology study was Fail as it is in history. I just don't know why they still stick to it even if they were debunked over and over in their doctrine and even in their interpretations. Anyways, let's get back to the last verse they open up which is Isaiah 41:9. So let's post the text in Lamsa Version to be fair since they think Lamsa is accurate

9 I have called you from the ends of the earth and from among the prophets and said to you, You are my servant; I have chosen you, and have not rejected you;"

I almost forgot I haven't downloaded the Moffats Version so I didn't use that version instead of Lamsa as one of their leading Translation. Anyway, here's the text, and obviously if you're Trained in INC doctrine you can easily trace it as the one chosen servant of the ends of the earth from afar country which is the Philippines. But if you try to get the entire context if it was all about the INC in the Philippines, then you'll be amazed that all you'd already learn are not about it. Let's try to read the previous verse before we get that verse 9 of Isaiah 41 and this is what you'll get -

8 But now, Israel, you are my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the descendants of Abraham my friend, whom I have strengthened.

So, what it is all about? It is not about the Philippines and not even the said Messenger of the east, as they call it. But rather it was addressed to the Israelites who were captives during those times. Isaiah is simply making a prophetic message that the Lord will never leave them and will strengthen them during their hardships. By understanding the context of the scripture you will get to know what the message was all about and to whom it was addressed. Simply, this type of people love to turn the other belief and stamp on their faith, and yet they knew nothing about the scripture rather claimed it, not even close to their so-called prophecy. See how they failed?

So Basically, the map was like this below. Jerusalem or Israel which is west of Babylon and during those times was under the Babylonian empire. And Babylon was west of Persia. That makes it far east of Israel.


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