Job Bautista: Study of Church Name Game

Jerry Nuñez Bustillo

Ayon kay Mr. Little bit Harder , gumamit siya ng mga pangalan ng Local ng INC sa unang siglo upang palabasin na marsmi diumano ang Iglesia na itinayo ni Panginoong Jesus at tinatawag sa ibsng pangalan ? 

Wrong: it was never at the time of Christ it was rather a time after Christ Ascension. Job Bautista's studies were too poor to comprehend the Scriptures. He just simply loves twisting the truth and turns them into their very own man ade doctrine. Here let me show you some of his Fail Study.

Kung ating susuriin ang Mateo 16:18 ay binanggit doon na itatayo ko ang AKING IGLESIA . Singular lamang ang pagkabanggit  at hindi binubuo ng maraming Iglesia . Christ build his church yes you got that right and it is just one church but not INC 1914. It was no other than the Church of Jesus Christ or the Church of God.

kaya sablay itong si Mr. Little bit Harder sa kanyang unawa. Are you sure, or maybe you still brought your bigoted study with you? Not new to me. 

Ang Iglesia na ito ay nag simula sa munting KAWAN  ayon sa Lukad 12:32. And seems like it has nothing to do with your Church Name Game. Sorry, it is never an INC and would never be in Philippines. Na ang tinutukoy na KAWAN ay ang Iglesia ni Cristo ayon sa Gawa 20:28 lamsa . And there goes the Bigotry. You seems to use Lamsa version as to cover up the Greek standard Koine version. Why was that? Because you can't accept Christ is God, because of Bigotry. Still thirsty for more? Anyway, let try to see Greek standard translation and we will use Nestle Arland and UBS to clarify each words. 

NA28 - 

ΠΡΑΞΕΙΣ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΩΝ20:28 προσέχετε ἑαυτοῖς καὶ παντὶ τῷ ποιμνίῳ, ἐν ᾧ ὑμᾶς τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον ἔθετο ἐπισκόπους ποιμαίνειν τὴν ἐκκλησίαν τοῦ θεοῦ, ἣν περιεποιήσατο διὰ τοῦ αἵματος τοῦ ἰδίου.


Acts 20:28προσέχετε ἑαυτοῖς καὶ παντὶ τῷ ποιμνίῳ, ἐν ᾧ ὑμᾶς τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον ἔθετο ἐπισκόπους ποιμαίνειν τὴν ἐκκλησίαν τοῦ θεοῦ, ἣν περιεποιήσατο διὰ τοῦ αἵματος τοῦ ἰδίου.

So how it was written? (ἐκκλησίαν τοῦ θεοῦ) Clearly it was the Church of God. The only thing Job Bautista maintain his Lamsa version because of his Bigotry, he cannot simply use a Greek Septuagint or the original Greek version because it contradict their very own man made doctrine of INC

Dahil sa pinagusig itong KAWAN ni PJC ay nangalat ito at nakarating sa iba't ibang dako na binabanggit ni Jerry ( Mr.Little bit Harder ) subalit ito po ay isang Katawan lamang ni Cristo at may isang ulo. The church only got one Head and that was Christ no question about it. I don't know what are you up to, but this seems like you thinks I'm to poor to understand the scriptures. Too bad sir, I'm not like you. You better have your bible with you and understand it rather pick up only which was right in your own man made doctrine. Colosas 1:18 kaya sa mata ng Diyos ito anv bagong tao na nilalang niya sa pamamagitan ni Panginoong Jesus. Walang binabanggit na Maraming Katawan ? Still you have made a wrong assumptions enough of your Personalized doctrine. I'm used to it. Ang katawan na binabanggit ay bagama' iisa ito ay may maraming sangkap na napaloob lamang sa isang Katawan o Iglesia 1 Cor. 12:27. So I guess you don't understand the first article address to you. You should make a good answer than that. Your intention simply to divert it to a different insight which indeed make you cunning and unworthy in accepting the truth. Good try but not good enough.

Dahil sa ngalat ang Kawan ni Cristo nakarsting ito sadako ng mga Hentil. Roma 16:4 . ito ay tinawag na Iglesia ni Cristo ayon sa mga Roma 16:16. And there you use the Word Church of Christ using Roman 16:16 but in fact it was used as a plural term as to a Churches that was build by Christ through the spreading of the Gospel. He is trying to trick a word shift game to maintain their teachings. How stupid was that. Too much Bigotry. 

May hula si Panginoong Jesus na itong Iglesia ni ya ay ililigaw ng bulaang propheta 1 Tim. 4:1,3 , ito anv paglitaw naman ni Joseph smith ayon sa Mateo 24:4 , Marami ang kanilang ililigaw Mat. 24:11 . Wrong: your creating a fallacy of Hasty Generalization by just claiming something you can't support. Get a life bro. You people are so devilish, this is not a Christian teaching that of claiming something it is because of some claims. Christ clearly said to beware of false prophets... and by their fruits ye shall know them... This Job Bautista failed to understand the the Scripture that he even failed to realized that his So called Sugo doesn't have any fruit to tell his story and how he was called by God and how did he receive the authority. This Guy's simple make the biggest mistake of their religion and I would simply ask if there is a minister who knows him to question his understanding about Christ words. His devilic motive will just simply adds darkness to INC Doctrine.

Kanilang ipangaral ng huwad na Religion na hindi naman itinatag ni Panginoong Jesus st tatawagin silang Lds church kasalungat sa aral na tinataguyod ng Tunay na Kawan ni Panginoong Jesus. Sa Pangalan palanv magkaiba na . And there's the name game again and yet you diverted it to a different insights. So tell me Job as the question that I ask one time.

  • Was the Church Name important or the authority?
  • If it's all about the church name, then all we need to do to obtain salvation is to rename the church to Iglesia Ni Christo, was it right?
  • If not, then there's no need in discussing Church Name Game. 

Ang salita ni PJC ay salita ng Diyod na nag sugo sa kanya ayon sa Heb. 1:1-2 , and have you understand the words in that scripture?

Hebrews 1:1 God, who at sundry timesand  in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

If you think it was Christ, then you should believe that it was also him who made the world. There are complicated words if we go to it further but this time it's not necessary to add that here. at ito ay ipinasulat ang salita ng Diyos . Jeremias 30:2 , you just simply mixed up the topic by just referencing irrelevant scripture verses. Jeremiah was instructed to write the Revelation he received and of course it was written in the Book of Jeremiah. This has nothing to do with the main topic and not even too close to say it's all about the scriptures. Jeremiah's words are exclusive to the revelations he received, not the entire Bible. I don't know what are you up to and this is a total out of content topic. at ito ay nakasulat sa Banal na kasulatan ayon sa 2 Tim. 3:16-17 Paul's instruction to Timothy has nothing to do with the entire Bible, during those time the Bible is not yet compiled and Timothy's knowledge about the scripture was no other that the Torah of there days, Timothy is will learn about the laws and the Prophets and Paul encouraged him to understand and read the scriptures. Simply, you don't know a thing about this verses. Ask your minister to help you about it. na ito ay natatskan na at huwag na dagdagan ni babawasan ayon sa Rev. 22:18-19. And here's another wrong ideology, you must understand how that word was written. John's revelation was written in the Patmos Isle and ofcourse it is a separate writings. John's caution was all about the revelations he received and during those time revelation was a separate writting to the other epistles of the apostles. And which in fact his warning was all about his sole book or the book of revelation alone. You fail to understand the scriptures because of your bigotry and man-made doctrine. See for example in the Book of Moses that also warns the same thing. 

Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.

So why added words and even books after it? Simply because it was all about the revelations receive during those times and they're commanded not to add or diminish the words that was already proclaimed. See how ignorant you are? 

Subalit ang bulaang propeta at gumawa din ng kasulatan na liban sa Biblia . Fail: Christ Said and I'll recall it again here - by their fruits ye shall know them. There's only one good evidence to know that the prophet was called of God and that is though their fruit. The book of Mormon prove that Christ restores his Church through his servants the Prophets and God will always provide ways to communicate to his people. But you INC cults could not provide even one example on how Felix Manalo was called by God and how did he receive revelation. You can't even proclaim how he was called and when did God speaks to him from heaven. ZERO. SO, WHO'S THE FALSE CHURCH?

Ito ay tinatawag nil na book of mormon na may nihil of obstat ni Sator ayon sa Rev. 12:9 na siyang dumays sa kanila . Don't make any made stories that you can't even support. This simply tells someone your deceiving just to get their attention. If you think that is, then expound it using any source to prove your claim. But to say something not re elevant to the subject is just simply a diversions to avoid the truth being told. ibang evangelio ang tinataguyod ng the polygamist church ni Joseph Smith. And seems like your childish act was begging to twist the topic. Too bad you can't support it not a single source. ito ang primary doctrine ng alagad ni Sator ang mapangalunya ayon sa Rev. 21:8 magkakamit daw sila ng pangako na buhay na walang hanggang ang  mga taong nasa kaliwang kamay ni Panginoong Jesus . And here's another wrong and lying style of INCultic doctrine to deceive, this is one of their technique to lead people as try as a wolf in Sheep's clothing. Sila daw anv mga kambing dahil hindi naman sila kabilang sa Kawan ni Panginoong Jesus. If you are a honest truth seekers or if you have the truth and wanted to share it, it not necessary to make such a stupid claim like this. Your lying and deceiving simply tell someone that you don't have the truth but rather a hate and rudeness in your arrongance. Your such a Bigot Job Bautista and you will never be a good Christian, no such thing as INCult Christian. You're not a Christian Church, prove me wrong. If so, then start acting as a Christian without hate and lying. 


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