Neil Andi Anderson and Job Bautista : False Presentation

The two trolls were creating a very bad presentation reflecting how arrogant they are in representing their INC religion, and they're too good at it. This means how poorly they are in criticism that only leads them to fallacy. They fail every time they present their arguments that has nothing to do with history.

So here's how it was -

Job Bautista posted something in his "My Day” which is on the Facebook platform. And started this photo edit that has a Guinness World Record title. Using the very own Guinness Logo but the title does not even exist. Do you know what it means? And it even gets worse while other INC members are not even aware of it. The lying goes on and on to this kind of Religious mind control.

From Job Bautista's My day

Anyway, but before Job Bautista posted it to his My Day. Neil Andi Anderson hiding in fake account) had posted already that spread his hate and desire to create a healthy conversation about it. Was he aware?

Neil Andi Anderson's Post

I responded to his post turning it back about Manalo's Calling, it was all but empty.

Can't handle answering it.

So the questions are -
  • How could this kind of influence from our INC friends be true that can't even support an answer to their own?
  • And what message does everyone could get using false propaganda?
  • Was this the way of INC's teachings and Doctrine brainwashing people using fake information?

What they fail to realize was their poor study and understanding that leads them into fallacy.

And here's what I get while searching the Guinness World Record.
Okay, nothing suspicious 

Changing its input for more results.
Nothing new.

Conclusion: these two INC trolls will never learn, a backyard needs to clean up first before asking others to clean up their own. Yeah right that sayings won't work. Do think first before making a move, you can't just borrow some Logo to prove you don't belong in a cult. Sorry, that doesn't work.


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