Jasher's Modular topics: Freedom of Religion and Respect.

I found this lesson in one of the Modular Tests of my Son Jaser. It's kinda interesting since most of it is dealing with beliefs and understanding other's faith. I don't know if this was part of the entire Centralized System of Education Curriculum in the Philipines or maybe just here in Bulawen Palauig. I don't know since I am not familiar with Education Curriculum nowadays. What makes me interested, is the value of teaching a child about the faith and Respect of other's beliefs.

Below is the picture that I took a shoot, maybe it's not that clear, and it is written in Filipino. Sorry, couldn't translate it for you. But maybe I can arrange it. 😅😅😅

Here's another one on that same paper.

What I'm thinking was. If all religious organizations are thinking the same value as the one we taught to our children. Love and Respect will always prevail. I feel so worried about their future. I may not be able to see it, and yet I feel they need some guidance at all times.

Thank you for visiting my blog and God blesses us all.


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