Another Empty Accusation from our Friendly INC: Job Bautista - Part 2

Ridicule is the first and last argument of a fool. - Charles Simmons

Just an update since he updated his first post and made changes to it, I'll make this part 2 of that same issue to our friendly neighborhood Job Bautista.

If you missed part 1, then here's the link for you just follow it and see the sad ending of his claim. The Link here

So, before we started, we'd establish the last time about strawman fallacy and how strawman and ad hominem sometimes were put together. In this episode, we can see how our friend Job Bautista knows nothing about his post and rather made an attempt to point his fingers towards my post and faith with erroneous information. Let's get to it -

He added a paragraph that says
Joseph Smith is a polygamist
So, it's right to say that it was of the Devil?
Are you Kidding Me? 

I will not make any additional comments about what I just said the last time, except for some of the lines he added, if you want to see my responses, just check out part one article of this episode.

Anyway, look how empty his brain was, the accusation was all about the church, and here goes a personal insult calling out my name and some ad hominem. This guy needs a better life. I supposed someone could help him call his psychiatrist.

Joseph Smith Polygamy has nothing to do with church organization and it seems like you attack some parts that make the topic more sensitive so that everyone would be caught up your attention. You're wrong, first of all, marriage is ordained by God and it's not about Sexual Intercourse like most of the INC member group who doesn't even have proof of Joseph's Acts. There is evidence of his Marriage either on this life or for eternity. Will sad to say, you folks don't know that because to you when it comes to marriage it was all about sex. What a shame?!

See, updates of this blog soon and I'll post Joseph's polygamy and who was involved. It will be on a separate post.

So back to the criticism from our dearest friend Job Bautista. Sorry, you just simply misinformed, you need to dig up history, it's your assignment.

As I said earlier in this blog post.
The church name was never an issue. 

It was over and over, this guy needs to clear up something in his mind. The church name is not the issue rather structural organization and revelation. Big difference, still don't get it? You should answer my previous post about it, here are some of my old lines for you that you never answer for a long-long time I assume you have the answer now - 

I ask you this question one time.
Did you answer it?
You keep on repeating your deadlines
and yet you can not expound it.

The second post I address to you.
Still left no answers.
You just simply ignore it,
while other INC are tough enough
to face the question.

You think you're good enough to challenge me with your understanding and yet you came up concluding you debunk me? Nice try, but try a little bit harder.

And for the update let's try to face your comments under that post. It's good to have some side comments included in this topic. Let see how you fooled yourself - 

Sorry, Seems like you're confused?
Yes, Christ redeem his Church,
so you're certain that it is INC?

Look how stupid you are in your understanding. We already established how a church goes in our previous episode and you're still here hoping for a change. Game over that doesn't count.

If you forgot the previous post Go back here to see it.

And here's how his crying goes. So much whining.
You're quoting for what? 😳
You got confused by your
own fallacious argument. 

I don't see any confession and it is not Helaman who says. I just don't know what happen to you lately. Just calm down and don't stress yourself too much. And by the way, I'm so impressed that you read the Book of Mormon, even though you can't find things that are contrary to it. Just keep on reading, someday you'll know how it was all said and how it all goes. Read the whole chapter to learn the basic history.

Okay, so simple things that you said, you're not a minister, then you have no rights to minister right, Job Bautista? If so, then you can show me proof that you are not, and also, if you're not a minister, then there's no reason for me to believe you? Why should I listen to an uninspired member who keeps bubbling on the internet? No need to hide in a fake account and act too childish. Seems all your post are too weak to argue. Anyway, let's try another post of yours.

Wow! just wow!
Do you understand the content of that book? 

The funny part, you insist that this church the devil built was no other than the LDS church, but the fun facts are the similarities of the church that was built by the Gentile nation and I don't know. Did Felix Manalo receive any direction from heaven to build up his kingdom? Tell me more about it Job Bautista.

Okay, so let's do it all over again since our very own friend Job Bautista can't keep up, he needs additional teachings okay so I'll volunteer for you my friend Job Bautista.

First of all, the church was to be built by a Gentile. If you start from the very beginning of the book, you'll realize that these people who were the authors of the said Book of Mormon were remnants of the House of Israel of the tribe of Joseph. They are not Gentile, but rather belong to the House of Israel. Just to sum it up. You made a wrong conclusion of your stupidity. Some of my friends saw your post in this blog and commented on your weak comments and the Hasty generalization of the Book of Mormon. You're making a wrong link and timeline and even history that doesn't even make sense. 

That's so embarrassing.
Anyway, what's a Hasty Generalization? 

Since you make too many fallacious arguments, it will be better to understand what fallacy you're using. I would like to add that here for your reference Brother Job Bautista.

Here's one from the

You're just mixing up the contents that didn't even happen that way. Creating fallacious comments leads you to fail to understand the text or the scripture itself. I suggest you better ready the content first before creating an argument or rather pick up something you think would satisfy the readers. That won't work, and as your failure says "Job Bautista Butata his own words".
In an attempt to respond to my questions,
see the next image below
His reply in FB comments.
And what do you think I made such a story?
What I'm thinking it's 1 Thessalonians 3:4
Or maybe you are trying to point me
to something else. 

Okay, your response is nothing more than ignorance. I'll like to use that verse you posted and it seems too odd in your claim. Let's try to look at it and learn —

1 Thessalonians 3:3-4
3 That no man should be moved by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto.
4 For verily, when we were with you, we told you before that we should suffer tribulation; even as it came to pass, and ye know.

So, I'll ask you. When was the first time you receive persecutions or criticisms from us? Could you cite some of it? Or maybe, you misunderstood the verses as always? Ask me back and I'll answer it straight that it was all over in social media, the hatred of your members to some other religious faith that led me to protect those who can't fight for their right of religion. INC was created to hate others' faith and to defame prove me wrong and quote it from your leader's mouth. If you can't then there's nothing to argue.

I never accused you, Job Bautista, I simply responded to your accusation to my faith. Don't be stupid and I don't want any cry baby asking for help by just twisting the issue. You fail and you'll never gonna learn.

And by the way, the luxury vehicles and signature dresses were not my ideas. It was on the internet, I just borrow some of it, if you think it's not true, then you better prove it. Ask some ministers in your place how they got it. But anyway, it's not a big issue. Everyone aims to live a convenient life, that's the very reason why your ministers are too busy making money in your church. Don't worry it's not my words, it's from other sources. You have the right to correct me anytime just be sure you supported it with your latest revelations received by your ministers.

I never said to defame the LDS church.
But perhaps we can arrange that.
Do you understand the word IHAYAG?

So, I'm wrong that Pasugo was created by uninspired members for defaming, degrading, or criticizing Catholicism since they are the first religion in this country. You do think so and you use the word IHAYAG instead. IHAYAG simply means to reveal, so the questions hang, what part of revelation that your own Sugo should reveal? Did he receive revelations lately? So, do you have the right to do such without anything given from heaven? Try reading your scriptures so you will know how revelation works.

Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

So, who has the right to receive revelations, that has the right to reveal? It's the prophet, not the Pasugo, and not even Felix Manalo. So please don't be too stupid in making excuses. There are many articles in Pasugo that say about catholic beliefs and some statistics comparing your INC achievements. It is so childish, don't even think of defending such a nonsense article of your Pasugo Magazine written by uninspired men.

Ask some bloggers who do the same works
As I did and tell them how much they got. 

And where in the world did you get that idea. I like it since it's too hard to work nowadays with minimum pay for 8-hour work. That would be great if you teach me how it goes. 😁😁😁 LOL! 

You're stripe with much envy as the vanity of your soul like the old preacher in the Bible says. You need to have a living brother and I'm serious, get a life. I can see how miserable you are, you're not happy with your pride and anger.

Are you sure about that?

Look at you Job Bautista? You even envied such a little thing and/or the success of others. You have a mental problem. And by the way for your information. I'd been blogging for a long long time and I never earn much even from the very start of doing this blog. Do you think making money by just making an article will make you rich? Ask some bloggers who are doing the same stuff as I did and ask him how much would it cost? How many bloggers agreed to your own pointless opinion. Try asking one.

Below is my account and see how much I earned from the very start 'til present.

See the video about my Adsense account.

Such a useless brain you got there. Are you sure you're serious about your allegation? I will invite you again, please have a life. And stop fooling yourself.


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