INC Fundamental-Belief Under the Microscope: Episode 1

I posted this one time in a group where Job Bautista is trying to expose LDS teaching in his funny microscope. I made this challenge to him. But I never notice his single words about it. Also, the admin of the group blocks some of my posts so there's no way I could get a good response to them. So, I'll repost it here one time to see how Job Bautista truly understands their teachings. So please any INC members who attempt to answer this, please make sure it was quoted in a reliable source

Let's Start -

Another failed teachings of INC teach about Felix as the bird of prey from Isaiah 46 which describes the return of Jews to their land by Cyrus of Persia.

Since this is already debunked a couple of times already and yet inc still insisted their faulty translation is accurate without any revelation.

But here's another thing -
In regards to the question.

... the Prophecy as the north and south which restrain the people to whom brother Felix Y. Manalo was sent?

I would like to use the meaning in Dictionary about this Prophecy -

Merriam Webster: to moderate or limit the force, effect, development, or full exercise of

(see other lists of the meaning in the image below)

So here's the thing, Felix was sent to stop or to cease this retraining thing from the north and south. They refer to it by quoting the "Modern times and the living past" by Henry W. Elson. I have a complete copy of this book and try to figure out how Felix Manalo fulfilled it. As I further read it, I didn't see how he was involved in history and not even the Philippines became a major Country as he claimed he was sent.

Ok, so here we go -

1. Just because the North and South in which INC claim was Mentioned in Isaiah, was it a fulfillment of the Teutonic Order?

2. If it was the fulfillment, when did Manalo take lead in his role that he was sent to cease?

3. When was the time that it happens that Manalo was involved in the history as Rizal and the Three Philippine Priest stands out for truth?

4. Did it happen that way or just claim it was fulfilled because of Isaiah's declaration that pointed out North and South without knowing the right geographical places, claiming it as Catholicism and Protestants in whom he was sent to stop the spreading in the Philippines?

5. Was Isaiah's Prophecy all about Catholics and Protestant upcoming domination or something else?

6. Was INC teachings all about it, Brainwashing people using history that Manalo is not even involved?

Okay, so let's magnify our microscope.
"Prophecy... North and South
which restrained the People
to whom Brother Felix Y. Manalo
was sent..."
When did it Happen? 🤔

From the
Modern Times and the Living Past.
When did Felix Manalo receive his call?
or should I say
how was he involved in any of it?
From North and South European Nation
to East Philippines?
Not even close to Isaiah's Prophecy.

Okay, so here's the retrain definition.
How did he prevent the
restraining or to something
he wasn't even involved?

An Actual Soft Copy of the Reformation.
I couldn't even link him
or the INC church about their claim.
Has this become a part of their Belief?

It will be better to know how exactly
this whole history goes and
how INC got to be involved in their timeline.
So much brainwashing teachings.


Check out the rest of my blog post at