In Defense of Truth: 28

Methodist Church: Isn’t it true that you believe that men have many wives in the hereafter? I noticed that in Brigham Young’s “Adam-God" discourse, he mentioned Adam brought Eve "one of his wives", with him? Do you believe in the plurality of wives in the hereafter?

Missionaries: As we pointed out earlier, the greatest prophets of all times have practiced the God-given principle of plural marriage. Since "Man is not without the woman, neither woman without the man in the Lord," and since the great prophets of old had these wives, we believe that they will have them in the eternities. For the sake of time, we can refer you again to the scripture in 2 Samuel 12:8 where "God gave David his wives" and the statement in Eccl. 3:14, "Whatsoever God doeth, IT WILL BE FOREVER." God made the woman from the man, and said: "It is good that a man not be alone."

Anglican Church: You mean to tell us God has a wife?

Missionaries: Paul, in speaking to the men of Athens, said "For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your poets have said, FOR WE ARE ALSO HIS OFFSPRING. FORASMUCH THEN AS WE ARE THE OFFSPRING OF GOD, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold." (Acts 17:28-29) Paul apparently said we were God's offspring. I don't see how you can have offspring without a mother. Also, if Christ were God's son, there must be a mother there. (Refer also to Eph. 3:14-15)

Church of Christ: Since you teach that whatsoever God does will be forever why doesn't He still give "many wives" and have polygamy exist?

Missionaries: I think God could answer that question better than I could. The Lord said in Isaiah 55:8-9, "For my ways are not your ways, neither are my thoughts your thoughts saith the Lord." His ways are greater and higher than our ways, but I believe what the scriptures say, that God joined man and woman together and that it would be forever. If you doubt the Lord's ways, you had better take it to him. In answer to plural wives in the hereafter, I can’t see a just God causing a good sister to lose her highest exaltation because she was the second wife to David, the 300th wife to Solomon or the 7th wife of Brigham Young.


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