A Pretty and nice view in Philippines

Philippines is a beautiful Country, and I am proud of it. When I was a young and found myself thinking why I was born in a place where I found less beauty and not even a great adventure in life. I was wishing back then why here and why not in a place where I love to see nice mountains and views and different kinds of seasons. I couldn't think of any places of that time where America is most popular place to live. Eventually, I notice different as time goes and I found a lot of places so beautiful in my eyes. I come to realized that I live in a country of beautiful people, culture and places. Thanks for the Adventures.

This pretty young girl use her basic phone to capture a selfie.

I took a picture of her, ask to have a selfie pose.

Some Picture I took somewhere in Zambales.
Orion Bataan, Rice Field.
While walking with my companion we took some of this view
Somewhere in Mariveles Bataan.
Some Falls in Bataan, I couldn't remember the exact name.
Other picture of the falls with my co-missionaries
Hundred Island Alaminus
with my co-missionaries.
Other view of hundred islands.
somewhere in Mariveles
This is a cemetery and we are on the top of a hill.
Mariveles Bataan road.
You'll get tired if you are not used to walk uphill in road like this.
But so relaxing when going downhill.

I had visit a lot of places in my life while in Philippines and not all of it were in the picture, but I keep it in my memory, but it is not that much in this whole country. I hope to have some other places to visit with, but I don't know how and when will it happen. All I can say, was that I am so happy to live and born in a country where I enjoy my life being a Filipino and will continue to enjoy until I die as a Filipino. I am proud of it.


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