Celebrating Lolo's Birthday - Tragedy Victim from Tacloban wants his Family Reunited

Cebu City, a video from Netizen who offer a Birthday cake of an old man who was a victim of one of the Philippines Tragic Disaster in Tacloban and Leyte area. The Video shows their compassion towards the old man who now live in a street hoping to reunite with his family again. The USJR Students sings a Happy Birthday song and had him (the Old man) blow the candle and wish. It was his 97th Birthday, so this students planned to have him celebrate his simple birthday, then they took a video hoping to deliver it to his family someday, she mentioned names thought she wasn't sure of the names spelling (Mary Kristine Salaver and Mary Concit Salaver). In his video caption from Miss Shannie Ortiz Batiquin say's "celebrating lolo's birthday" tag with his friends Genito Batiquin and 6 others. Their (the Students) main intention is to let this be know in the public that perhaps it could help Lolo (Filipino Term for Grandfather) find or have this video reach his family in Manila as what he says in his story.
The Message below the video is the main text from Facebook post. You may read the original post at https://www.facebook.com/shannie.ortiz/posts/1050413061745406 from Shannie Ortiz Batiquin's Post.

It reach 10k of Likes, 7k of Share, 1.5k Comments and counting, so far as of this post.

Text from post -
Happy 97th birthday Lolo nga mag tambayan gawas sa Usjr ������☺️(Sorry wala dayon ko ka upload gahapon) iyang name guys Kay si ALFREDO SALAVER. Taga Tacloban,Leyte daw ni siya guys. Iyang family naa daw sa Manila kay tungod sa katong tragedy nga nahetabo sa Leyte. Niya naay taw nga nag dala niya diri sa Cebu. Ang name sa iyang mga anak kay Mary Kristine Salaver and Mary Concit Salaver (we are not sure if sakto ang spelling sa names sa iyang duha ka anak) Henaot unta tabangan me ninyo, kame sa among barkada nga makit'an ang iyang family please kog share ani nga simple video namo kay wala mey lain intention ang mapangeta namo ang iyang pamilya nga gusto makit'an ni Lolo kay mao nay birthday wish niya ang amo Lang mapalipay namo si Lolo . Almost everyday ni namo siya makit'an gawas sa among school ug usa nasad mes akong mga barkada ang mo hatag ni Lolo ug pag kaon kung among makit'an.I hope matabangan me ninyo bisan sa ing'ani lang nga paage. Gekumot among dughan sa ge ingon ni Lolo namo sa pag surprise namo sa iyang bday ang "Thank you, I really appreciate it". #BARKADAGOALS � ❤️ Nindot kays feeling makapalipay kag taw maski sa simple lang nga paage ☺️