Institute of Religion

What promises has a prophet made about institute?

 Importance of Institute

The Purpose of Institute
The objective of Institute is to help young adults understand and rely on the teachings and Atonement of Jesus Christ, qualify for the blessings of the temple, and prepare themselves, their families, and others for eternal life with their Father in Heaven.

What are the requirements for institute graduation?
The following certificates are available to honor students who complete institute of religion courses with credit:
  • A Graduation Diploma may be earned by students who complete fourteen semester hours (or twenty-one quarter hours) in approved institute courses, including at least eight semester hours (or twelve quarter hours) in the scripture-based courses. These eight semester hours are to include at least four semester hours (or six quarter hours) in Book of Mormon studies.
  • A Certificate of Advanced Achievement may be earned by students who complete eight additional semester hours (or twelve quarter hours) after meeting the graduation requirements.
What recognition is available for participation in institute?
  • A Certificate of Course Completion may be earned by students for their completion of each institute course of study.
  • A Certificate of Achievement may be earned by students who complete eight semester hours (or twelve quarter hours) in approved institute courses, including at least four semester hours (or six quarter hours) in scripture-based courses.
Institute Quotes

President Thomas S. Monson “If you are a single college student, I ask you to make participation in institute a priority. Married students and other young adults are also welcome and encouraged to attend. Think of it. Friends will be made, the Spirit will be felt, and faith will be strengthened. I promise you that as you participate in institute and study the scriptures diligently, your power to avoid temptation and to receive direction of the Holy Ghost in all you do will be increased. Divine favor will attend those who humbly seek it. That is a promise which I leave with you.” President
Thomas S. Monson (April 21, 2009)

President Gordon B. Hinckley “We urge all for whom [institute] is available to take advantage of it. We do not hesitate to promise that your knowledge of the gospel will be increased, your faith will be strengthened, and you will develop wonderful associations and friendships.”
President Gordon B. Hinckley (in Conference Report, April 1984, 69; or Ensign, May 1984, 47)  

Elder Boyd K. Packer “Students, if your values are in place, you will not hesitate to forego an elective class that may decorate your life in favor of instruction which can hold together the very foundation of it. Then, once enrolled, attend, study, and learn. Persuade your friends to do the same. You will never regret it; this I promise you.”
Elder Boyd K. Packer (in Conference Report, Apr. 1983, 91; or Ensign, May 1983, 67)  

Elder L. Tom Perry “I know the power that comes from associations in the seminary and institute programs. It has enriched my life, and I know it will do the same for you. It will put a shield of protection around you to keep you free from the temptations and trials of the world. There is a great blessing in having a knowledge of the gospel. And I know of no better place for the young people of the Church to gain a special knowledge of sacred things than in the institute and seminary programs of the Church.”
Elder L. Tom Perry (in Conference Report, Oct. 1997, 82; or Ensign, Nov. 1997, 61-62)


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