His Pain, we Gain.

I know a way that leaded back to thee
I know something that can help us someday
I know a man whose pain no man endure
And I know that pain can’t block our way no more.

A pain that makes us hope that we will meet someday
And our family will be in eternity
Which happiness will last forever in a place no man can imagine
From savior’s pain to what we could gain.

He knows we are not sure while we endure
And yet he cares and leaded our future
He knows our weakness that souls struggle
Still he gives us days and time to be whole

A savior’s love, care and all he grants
But faith, hope obedient and trust that’s all he want.
His words are true and the promise is always be sure.
For the people whose hand’s clean and heart’s pure.

I know he lives I know he’s there above,
Who watched and waited for me if I learn to love,
For everyone, he suffers that brutal pain.
That everyone may know eternal things we gain.

- Jerry Bustillo
2007, or Earlier
edited 2013


Check out the rest of my blog post at www.bustillo-family.blogspot.com